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Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Programming and Software Engineering)

Although the self-adaptability of systems has been studied in a wide range of disciplines, from biology to robotics, only recently has the software engineering community recognized its key role in enabling the development of future software systems that are able to self-adapt to changes that may occur in the system, its requirements, or the environment in which it is deployed.

The 12 carefully reviewed papers included in this state-of-the-art survey originate from the International Seminar on Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems, held in Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, in January 2008. They examine the current state-of-the-art in the field, describing a wide range of approaches coming from different strands of software engineering, and present future challenges facing this ever-resurgent and challenging field of research. Also included in this book is an invited roadmap paper on the research challenges facing self-adaptive systems within the area of software engineering, based on discussions at the Dagstuhl Seminar and put together by several of its participants. The papers have been divided into topical sections on architecture-based self-adaptation, context-aware and model-driven self-adaptation, and self-healing. These are preceded by three research roadmap papers.

Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam (Brain-Friendly Guides)
Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam (Brain-Friendly Guides)
Looking to study up for the new J2EE 1.5 Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) exam?

This book will get you way up to speed on the technology you'll know it so well, in fact, that you can pass the brand new J2EE 1.5 exam. If that's what you want to do, that is. Maybe you don't care about the exam, but need to use servlets
Code Optimization: Effective Memory Usage
Code Optimization: Effective Memory Usage

A guide to optimizing programs on the PC and Unix platforms, this book covers the expediency of optimization and the methods to increase the speed of programs via optimization. Discussed are typical mistakes made by programmers that lessen the performance of the system along with easily implemented solutions. Detailed descriptions of the...

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A colorful, entertaining, and informative guide to the Samsung Galaxy family of tablets

Samsung's bestselling Galaxy Tabs may come in multiple sizes, but they all share the wildly popular Android operating system and are packed with tons of top-notch tablet features. This full-color book shows you how...

The Complete Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics
The Complete Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics

No other band has ever surpassed the enduring popularity of The Grateful Dead. No other group has regularly scheduled radio shows devoted solely to it, or such an extensive fan base stretching over several generations. And, with the surviving members still touring and the official website receiving more that 100,000 hits a week, no other fan...

Fundamentals of Semiconductor Physics and Devices
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Physics and Devices
People come to technical books with a vast array of daerent needs and requirements, arising from their differing educational backgrounds, professional orientations and career objectives. This is particularly evident in the field of semiconductors, which stands at the juncture of physics, chemistry, electronic engineering, material science and...
The RSpec Book: Behaviour Driven Development with Rspec, Cucumber, and Friends (The Facets of Ruby Series)
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You'll get started right away with RSpec 2 and Cucumber by developing a simple game, using Cucumber to express high-level requirements in language your customer understands, and RSpec to express more granular requirements that focus on the behavior of individual objects in the system. You'll learn how to use test doubles...

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