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Pro Tools All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)


8 books in 1 — from miking to mixing to mastering

Your one-stop guide to the software and hardware that make music magic

When you add Pro Tools to your home recording studio, you have the software used to create hit records. When you add this book to your bookshelf, you get the insight you need to capture your sounds, edit your tracks, create a mix, and master your songs for the world to hear. Add in your talent and you're on your way to music stardom.

Discover how to:

  • Navigate the Pro Tools windows and menus

  • Master microphone choice and placement

  • Edit the errors out of your tracks

  • Blend sounds into a final mix

  • Work with MIDI instruments and sounds

About the Author

Jeff Strong,
the author of Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies, is President of the REI Institute, which is a MusicMedicine research organization and therapy provider. Jeff graduated from the Percussion Institute of Technology at the Musician’s Institute in Los Angeles in 1983, and has worked in or owned a recording studio since 1985. Every week, he records dozens of custom CDs with Pro Tools for his clients. He has also released 12 commercially available therapeutic CDs, 4 of which can be purchased at www.reiinstitute.com. An eight-CD set focusing on shifting the brain is also available beginning Fall 2008 through Sounds True (www.soundstrue.com). Pro Tools All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies, 2nd Edition is his ninth book.
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