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The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing (McGraw-Hill computer science series)

This book is intended as a text for a one- or two-semester course in compiler design at the senior undergraduate or introductory graduate level. It can also be used as a self-study and reference book in compiler design. The purpose of this text is to cover the underlying concepts and techniques used in compiler design. Some of these techniques can be used in software engineering or software design.

Model-Based Development: Applications
Model-Based Development: Applications

A Proven Development Methodology That Delivers On the Promise of Model-Based Approaches

Software continues to become more and more complex, while software consumers’ expectations for performance, reliability, functionality, and speed-to-market are also growing exponentially. H. S. Lahman shows how...

Managing Projects in Human Resources, Training and Development
Managing Projects in Human Resources, Training and Development
This book will provide you with a practical approach to managing a project in an HR, training or development setting. People are often expected to manage projects as part of their day-to-day work but few receive special training to help them to take on this task. If you are one of these people, help is at hand!

This book will help you to
Mumenthaler's Neurology has become a major textbook and reference throughout the world. The comprehensiveness of the information condensed into this 600-page pocketbook will appeal to students, residents, general practitioners, and neurology specialists needing a rapid reference on neurological problems. The new edition incorporates new...

Damage and Interfacial Debonding in Composites (Studies in Applied Mechanics)
Damage and Interfacial Debonding in Composites (Studies in Applied Mechanics)

This book represents thirteen papers that are based on the presentations made in the five session symposium on "Damage and Interfacial Debonding in Composites" on the occasion of the 32nd Society of Engineering Science Meeting; held in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 29 - November 1, 1995. The five sessions were mainly in the...

Microbial Genomics and Drug Discovery
Microbial Genomics and Drug Discovery

Exploring innovative routes of drug discovery in the postgenomic era, Microbial Genomics and Drug Discovery examines bioinformatic and genomic approaches for the identification, detection, selection, and validation of new antibacterial targets and vaccine candidates. The book discusses potential pathways for effective infection control,...

Computer Vision in Sports (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
Computer Vision in Sports (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)

The first book of its kind devoted to this topic, this comprehensive text/reference presents state-of-the-art research and reviews current challenges in the application of computer vision to problems in sports. Opening with a detailed introduction to the use of computer vision across the entire life-cycle of a sports event, the text then...

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