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No Country for Old Men: From Novel to Film
No Country for Old Men: From Novel to Film

I twice viewed No Country for Old Men in the theater, and on both occasions after the final image of Tommy Lee Jones had cut to black, there were audible exclamations from the patrons around me: “That’s it?” “What happened?” This twelfth film by Joel and Ethan Coen evoked the same response that the...

Romantic Autobiography in England (The Nineteenth Century Series)
Romantic Autobiography in England (The Nineteenth Century Series)

Taking into account the popularity and variety of the genre, this collaborative volume considers a wide range of English Romantic autobiographical writers and modes, including working-class autobiography, the familiar essay, and the staged presence. In the wake of Rousseau's "Confessions", autobiography became an increasingly popular...

Studio and Location Lighting Secrets for Digital Photographers
Studio and Location Lighting Secrets for Digital Photographers
Improve your photography with more than 200 lighting tips from a top photographer

Written by Canon Explorer of Light Rick Sammon and leading fashion and studio photographer Vered Koshlano, this guide is packed with professional advice on the essential element of photography: lighting. It provides detailed information and insider secrets...

Canon Rebel T1i/500D: From Snapshots to Great Shots
Canon Rebel T1i/500D: From Snapshots to Great Shots

Walk into any bookseller, go to the photography section, and you will see countless books on the subject of photography. Look a little further and you will locate the camera-specifi c books. It is this divide between the camera-specifi c and instructional photography books that inspired me to write this book. What I was seeing in the...

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi/400D For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies)
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi/400D For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies)
The Canon Digital Rebel XTi/400D is an ideal camera for first-time digital SLR users. Unfortunately if you don't know photography lingo you might find yourself never veering from your camera's default settings and into all the cool features that help you take outstanding photos. This book takes care of that problem. Canon EOS Digital Rebel...
David Busch's Canon Powershot G12 Guide to Digital Photography (David Busch's Digital Photography Guides)
David Busch's Canon Powershot G12 Guide to Digital Photography (David Busch's Digital Photography Guides)

The Canon PowerShot G12 is the most advanced pocket-sized digital camera Canon has ever introduced, boasting 10 megapixels of resolution, blazing fast automatic focus, and more than a dozen special Scene modes that allow you to take fantastic pictures under any conditions. As the owner of the G12 you demand the ability to take outstanding...

Canon 50D: From Snapshots to Great Shots
Canon 50D: From Snapshots to Great Shots

Now that you’ve bought the amazing Canon 50D, you need a book that goes beyond a tour of the camera’s features to show you exactly how to use the 50D to take great pictures. With Canon 50D: From Snapshots to Great Shots, you get the perfect blend of photography instruction and camera reference that will take your images to...

Canon EOS Rebel T2i / 550D: From Snapshots to Great Shots
Canon EOS Rebel T2i / 550D: From Snapshots to Great Shots

Now that you’ve bought the amazing Canon EOS Rebel T2i/550D, you need a book that goes beyond a tour of the camera’s features to show you exactly how to use the Rebel to take great pictures. With Canon EOS Rebel T2i/550D: From Snapshots to Great Shots, you get the perfect blend of photography instruction and camera...

The Handbook of Nanotechnology: Business, Policy, and Intellectual Property Law
The Handbook of Nanotechnology: Business, Policy, and Intellectual Property Law
"This Handbook is sure to become the ultimate sourcebook for everyone involved in the emerging field of nanotechnology. I would strongly recommend that any entrepreneur who wishes to begin a nanotechnology company and any investor who wishes to seek funding opportunities in nanotechnology read this work cover to cover. By providing the tools...
Canon EOS Rebel T6i / 750D For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Canon EOS Rebel T6i / 750D For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Get picture-perfect shots with your Canon EOS Rebel T6i/750D

Your Canon EOS Rebel T6i/750D is capable of taking incredibly cool and truly frame-worthy photos, but unless you know how use it properly your pictures won't be worth a thousand words. Luckily, Canon EOS Rebel T6i/750D For Dummies is packed with the...

Canon EOS 40D Guide to Digital Photography
Canon EOS 40D Guide to Digital Photography

As the new owner of Canon's most advanced intermediate digital SLR, you want to get started taking professional-looking photographs using all of the exciting features at your fingertips. "Canon EOS 40D Guide to Digital SLR Photography" is a concise introduction and guide to your camera's essential controls and functions,...

Canon Speedlite System Digital Field Guide
Canon Speedlite System Digital Field Guide

Welcome to the new Wiley Digital Field Guide for the Canon Speedlite System. Whether you are holding this book or your new Canon Speedlite in your hands, you are holding a fantastic tool that will assist you in creating awesome photographs that you will be proud to display and share with your family and friends. Much has changed in...

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