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The Disney Way, Revised Edition: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company
The Disney Way, Revised Edition: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company

“So useful you may whistle while you work”- Fortune

The original edition of The Disney Way was awarded a coveted “Best Business Book of the Year” by Fortune magazine. The world's foremost experts on Disney, Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson revealed Walt's secret success formula...

Frying: Improving quality (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)
Frying: Improving quality (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)
Pan-frying and deep-frying have been very popular and ancient methods of food preparations for more than 4000 years. Pre-fried and fried food products like potato crisps, fish fingers or French fries have become a main component of our diet. It is estimated that the total usage of frying fats and oils in restaurants,...
Coastal Pollution: Effects on Living Resources and Humans (Marine Science)
Coastal Pollution: Effects on Living Resources and Humans (Marine Science)

In 1996, after more than a decade of researching the effects of over-population and the consequent pollution of the greater metropolitan New York City area, Carl Sindermann published his observations and conclusions in Ocean Pollution: Effects on Living Resources and Humans, a mostly technical document that emphasized the pathological effects...

Information Trapping: Real-Time Research on the Web
Information Trapping: Real-Time Research on the Web
For a long time—and especially around 1994, when the World Wide Web was just getting its jumpstart—the Internet appeared to many as a vast pool of information just sitting in cyberspace. People who used the Internet for research “cast their nets” by entering queries into a search engine, and then pulled...
London For Dummies
London For Dummies

London is both traditional and trend-setting — the home of ceremonious pomp and pageantry and the "anything goes" aura of Soho. You can hang around the Tower of London or seek out the happening spots. Dine on fish and chips, try modern British cuisine, or take advantage of great ethnic restaurants, including Indian, French,...

The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing: How to Attract and Retain Customers and Grow the Bottom Line in the Globally Connected World
The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing: How to Attract and Retain Customers and Grow the Bottom Line in the Globally Connected World

Today's Hottest Trends for On-the-Spot Marketing!

"A must read for media and marketers.”
—Alan Cohen, CEO, OMD USA

"What do fish tacos, data storage, and disaster relief all have in common? Each has harnessed the power of marketing that amplifies via the real-time social web....

Reflections on Character and Leadership: On the Couch with Manfred Kets de Vries
Reflections on Character and Leadership: On the Couch with Manfred Kets de Vries

Reflections on Character and Leadership is the first of the three books in the Manfred kets de Vries on the Couch series.

Here, Kets de Vries looks at entrepreneurship, the pathology of leadership, and the personality of the leader. The reader will visit the disturbed inner worlds of leaders like Alexander the Great,...

Effective Frontline Fundraising: A Guide for Nonprofits, Political Candidates, and Advocacy Groups
Effective Frontline Fundraising: A Guide for Nonprofits, Political Candidates, and Advocacy Groups

Today, nearly every charitable nonprofit, advocacy group, professional group, and politician relies on the philanthropy of others. Whether it’s a private college, a hospital or museum, a lobbying group, or a local, low-budget food shelf, operational and marketing costs and capital investments are often largely underwritten...

London For Dummies
London For Dummies

London is home to both the traditional and the trend-setting, from ceremonious pomp and pageantry to the "anything goes" aura of Soho. You can hang around the Tower of London or seek out the coolest shops and happening clubs. Once you've worked up an appetite, you can feast on fish and chips, try modern British cuisine, or take...

Windows Movie Maker 2 Zero to Hero
Windows Movie Maker 2 Zero to Hero

You've seen the promises in the advertising: Microsoft's free Movie Maker 2 will make it simple to capture, edit and share your home movies. We agree, but how do you know where to start, or where you're going? The answer is Windows Movie Maker 2 Zero to Hero, which will take you from filming your movie (with useful tips...

Character Animation Fundamentals: Developing Skills for 2D and 3D Character Animation
Character Animation Fundamentals: Developing Skills for 2D and 3D Character Animation

Expand your animation toolkit and remain competitive in the industry with this leading resource for 2D and 3D character animation techniques. Apply the industry's best practices to your own workflows and develop 2D, 3D and hybrid characters with ease. With side by side comparisons of 2D and 3D character design, improve your character...

The Image of Success: Make a Great Impression and Land the Job You Want
The Image of Success: Make a Great Impression and Land the Job You Want

Fair or not, assumptions about our intelligence, abilities, sophistication, performance, and pedigree are routinely made based on the image we project. In "The Image of Success", sought-after career and image coach Lizandra Vega offers job seekers down-to-earth, candid guidance on the ABCs of image Appearance, Behavior, and...

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