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The Go Programming Language Phrasebook (Developer's Library)
The Go Programming Language Phrasebook (Developer's Library)

The Go Programming Language Phrasebook

Essential Go code and idioms for all facets of the development process 


This guide gives you the code “phrases” you need to quickly and...

Meso- to Micro- Actuators: A Theoretical and Practical Approach
Meso- to Micro- Actuators: A Theoretical and Practical Approach

Exploring the design and use of micro- and meso-actuators, this book begins with theory and a general synopsis of the state-of-the-art in theoretical research. It discusses how to employ modern approaches in research and design activity, then presents a systematic list of already available products and details their potential for use. Design...

Wearable Electronics and Photonics
Wearable Electronics and Photonics

Building electronics into clothing is a major new concept that opens up a whole array of multi-functional, wearable electro-textiles for sensing/monitoring body functions, delivering communication facilities, data transfer, individual environment control, and so on. Fashion articles will carry key pads for mobile phones and connections for...

Advanced Mathematical Tools for Control Engineers: Volume 1: Deterministic Systems
Advanced Mathematical Tools for Control Engineers: Volume 1: Deterministic Systems

This book provides a blend of Matrix and Linear Algebra Theory, Analysis, Differential Equations, Optimization, Optimal and Robust Control. It contains an advanced mathematical tool which serves as a fundamental basis for both instructors and students who study or actively work in Modern Automatic Control or in its applications. It is...

An Introduction to Trading in the Financial Markets SET: An Introduction to Trading in the Financial Markets: Technology: Systems, Data, and Networks
An Introduction to Trading in the Financial Markets SET: An Introduction to Trading in the Financial Markets: Technology: Systems, Data, and Networks

This book is the third in a set of books that address the trading markets. We use the term “trading markets” because that is the most general term we can find for the portion of the financial markets sometimes imprecisely referred to as the securities markets. (We explained these distinctions in Book 1, An Introduction to Trading...

Bayesian Brain: Probabilistic Approaches to Neural Coding (Computational Neuroscience)
Bayesian Brain: Probabilistic Approaches to Neural Coding (Computational Neuroscience)

A Bayesian approach can contribute to an understanding of the brain on multiple levels, by giving normative predictions about how an ideal sensory system should combine prior knowledge and observation, by providing mechanistic interpretation of the dynamic functioning of the brain circuit, and by suggesting optimal ways of deciphering...

Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning (4th Edition)
Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning (4th Edition)

Thoroughly updated with new examples and the latest research findings, this new edition also boasts updates case studies in each chapter, taken from recent editions of the Financial Times, that illustrate the practical implications of the issues raised.

This book is about creating and sustaining superior performance in the
Management: Challenges for Tomorrow's Leaders (with InfoTrac 1-Semester)
Management: Challenges for Tomorrow's Leaders (with InfoTrac 1-Semester)

In the Fifth Edition of this nationally acclaimed book, students learn the management skills and competencies that will enable them to meet the challenges they'll experience as leaders in tomorrow's dynamic, rapidly changing business environment. The authors focus on key management principles and how they apply in real business...

Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and Models
Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and Models

Essentials of Computational Chemistry provides a balanced introduction to this dynamic subject.  Suitable for both experimentalists and theorists, a wide range of samples and applications are included drawn from all key areas.  The book carefully leads the reader thorough the necessary equations providing information explanations...


Ideal for users studying business and key practices, BUSINESS, 11E is a best-selling introductory text featuring current, comprehensive survey of the functional areas of business: management, marketing, accounting, finance, and information technology. Core topics include ethics and social responsibility, small business concerns, and global...

Project Workout: A Toolkit for reaping the rewards from all your business projects (3rd Edition)
Project Workout: A Toolkit for reaping the rewards from all your business projects (3rd Edition)
The forward progress of companies has always depended heavily on the management of projects. New plants, new products, new organizations, new methods, new ventures – all required dedicated teams working to strict timetables and separate budgets. But today there’s a vital difference. The project management mode has...
Configuring Financial Accounting in SAP
Configuring Financial Accounting in SAP
What you have in your hands is a unique book. You may have seen several books on SAP Financial Accounting (FI) that are available in the market, but none of them are as comprehensive as this, covering the gamut of Financial Accounting in SAP Financials including—besides the regular topics —FI-CA (Contract Accounts...
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