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An Invitation to Computer Science, 5th Edition
An Invitation to Computer Science, 5th Edition

This text is intended for a one-semester introductory course in computer science. It presents a breadth-first overview of the discipline that assumes no prior background in computer science, programming, or mathematics. It is appropriate for use in a service course for students not majoring in computer science. It is also appropriate...

The Vascular Endothelium I (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology) (v. 1)
The Vascular Endothelium I (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology) (v. 1)
It was with great pleasure that I accepted the invitation of Springer to edit this book.My association with the vascular endothelium covers a large part of my scientific career and, as with any good long-standing relationship, it has had moments of great excitement and periods of laborious construction. It has sometimes been...
Hack This: 24 Incredible Hackerspace Projects from the DIY Movement
Hack This: 24 Incredible Hackerspace Projects from the DIY Movement

Join today’s new revolution in creativity and community: hackerspaces. Stop letting other people build everything for you: Do it yourself. Explore, grab the tools, get hands-on, get dirty…and create things you never imagined you could. Hack This is your glorious, full-color passport to the...

Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide (Modern Grammars)
Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide (Modern Grammars)
Modern German Grammar. A Practical Guide is an innovative reference grammar designed to be used with modern approaches to teaching and learning German as a foreign language. The book addresses learners’ practical needs by combining a detailed description of the grammatical structures of German with a ‘functional’...
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, Antwerp, Belgium
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, Antwerp, Belgium
When in 1986 Yves Kodratoff started the European Working Session on Learning at Orsay, France, it could not be foreseen that the conference would grow year by year and become the premier European conference of the field, attracting submissions from all over the world. The first European Conference on Principles of Data Mining...
Melt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems (Developments in Volcanology)
Melt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems (Developments in Volcanology)
From September 264 to 30 th, 2002, a group of researchers met at Seiano di Vico Equense, on the Sorrento Peninsula, Italy, to participate in the "Workshop-Short Course on Volcanic Systems. Gecx:hcmical and Geophysical Monitoring. Melt Inclusions: Methods, Applications and Problems", sponsored by the Istituto Nazionalr di...
Pervasive Collaborative Networks: IFIP TC 5 WG 5.5 Ninth Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES
Pervasive Collaborative Networks: IFIP TC 5 WG 5.5 Ninth Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES
In earlier definitions, organization’s competency is mainly addressing its capabilities, for example Gallon (Gallon et al, 1995) defines competency as “aggregation of capabilities, where synergy that is created has sustainable value and broad applicability”. However participation of VBE members in general VBE...
Advances in Software Engineering: International Conference, ASEA 2010
Advances in Software Engineering: International Conference, ASEA 2010

Welcome to the Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering and Its Applications (ASEA 2010) – one of the partnering events of the Second International Mega-Conference on Future Generation Information Technology (FGIT 2010).

ASEA brings together researchers from academia and industry...

Fast Software Encryption: 18th International Workshop, FSE 2011, Lyngby, Denmark
Fast Software Encryption: 18th International Workshop, FSE 2011, Lyngby, Denmark

You are holding the proceedings of FSE 2011, the 18th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption. This workshop was organized in cooperation with the International Association for Cryptologic Research. It was held in Lyngby, Denmark, during February 13–16, 2011.

The FSE 2011 Program Committee (PC) consisted of...

Algebraic Geometry in Coding Theory and Cryptography
Algebraic Geometry in Coding Theory and Cryptography

Algebraic geometry has found fascinating applications to coding theory and cryptography in the last few decades. This book aims to provide the necessary theoretical background for reading the contemporary literature on these applications. An aspect that we emphasize, as it is very useful for the applications, is the interplay between...

LinkedIn For Dummies
LinkedIn For Dummies

Relationships matter. Ever since the dawn of time, when caveman Fred asked caveman Barney whether there was any work down at the quarry, human beings have always networked. We’re social creatures who like to reach out and talk to someone. As the Internet developed and grew in popularity, people rapidly took advantage of this new...

Smart Graphics: 11th International Symposium on Smart Graphics, Bremen, Germany, July 18-20, 2011
Smart Graphics: 11th International Symposium on Smart Graphics, Bremen, Germany, July 18-20, 2011

The International Symposium on Smart Graphics serves as a scientific forum that attracts researchers and practitioners from the fields of computer graphics, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, human–computer interaction, interface design, and information visualization. Initiated by Andreas Butz, Antonio Kr¨uger, and...

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