 Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis: Tools for the Practitioner
The leading text in the field explains step by step how to write software that responds in real time
From power plants to medicine to avionics, the world increasingly depends on computer systems that can compute and respond to various excitations in real time. The Fourth Edition of Real-Time Systems Design and... |  |  Algorithms Sequential & Parallel: A Unified Approach
Effective computing requires the design, analysis, implementation, and evaluation
of algorithms to solve problems of interest. Computational problems come from
a wide variety of areas including science, engineering, business, athletics, architecture,
medicine, management, economics, psychology, anthropology, and entertainment,
to... |  |  Attaining High Performance Communications: A Vertical Approach
As technology pushes the Petascale barrier, and the next generation Exascale
Computing requirements are being dened, it is clear that this type of computational
capacity can be achieved only by accompanying advancement in
communication technology. Next generation computing platforms will consist
of hundreds of thousands of... |
 |  |  People Skills
This is a book intended for a wide readership, covering a range of occupations
that come under the broad heading of ‘people work’. This includes health
and social care staff, social workers, staff in professions allied to medicine,
youth workers, counsellors, advisors, advocates, personnel officers and other
managers,... |  |  Image Processing: The Fundamentals
Following the success of the first edition, this thoroughly updated second edition of Image Processing: The Fundamentals will ensure that it remains the ideal text for anyone seeking an introduction to the essential concepts of image processing. New material includes image processing and colour, sine and cosine transforms, Independent... |
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