 Sensors Handbook
Complete, State-of-the-Art Coverage of Sensor Technologies and Applications
Fully revised with the latest breakthroughs in integrated sensors and control systems, Sensors Handbook, Second Edition provides all of the information needed to select the optimum sensor for any type of application, including engineering,... |  |  Electro-Optics Handbook
It’s often difficult to predict which areas of a field will become rejuvenated and grow rapidly or spin off to fit with another to form something new. The field of electro-optics is also unpredictable, but currently it has numerous forces acting on it. First is the development of new optical sources such as ultrafast lasers and fiber... |  |  Smart Sensing and Context: Third European Conference, EuroSSC 2008, Zurich, Switzerland
This year marks the third edition of EuroSSC. It builds on the success of the
past editions, held in Enschede, The Netherlands in 2006, and in Kendal, UK in
2007. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to welcome you to
EuroSSC 2008, in Zurich, Switerland. This volume contains the invited papers
and technical... |
 CCNP Security IPS 642-627 Official Cert Guide
Learn, prepare, and practice for exam success
CCNP Security IPS 642-627 Official Cert Guide is a best-of-breed Cisco exam study guide that focuses specifically on the objectives for the CCNP Security IPS exam. Senior security engineers David Burns,... |  |  Getting Started with .NET Gadgeteer (Make: Projects)
.NET Gadgeteer is a wonderful system for constructing prototypes of electronic
gadgets. It is supported by a range of modules that are connected to
a Mainboard with plug-in cables.
This book will lead you through the process of installing the necessary software
onto your computer and then take ... |  |  Learning iOS Programming: From Xcode to App Store
The arrival of the iPhone changed everything. Or, at the very least, it changed the
direction of software development for mobile platforms, which is a pretty big thing. It
has spawned an entire generation of copycat devices and brought an entire multibilliondollar
industry to its knees. Despite this, it still fits ... |
 Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces
Remote sensing has entered a new era in the twenty-first century with a
series of operating satellites from the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS)
program, other international programs, and commercial programs. Since
November 2000 the first civilian spaceborne hyperspectral sensor, Hyperion,
has observed land surfaces on the... |  |  |  |  Smart Devices and Machines for Advanced Manufacturing
Manufacturing has been one of the key areas that support and influence a nation’s
economy since the 18th century. Being the primary driving force in economic
growth, manufacturing constantly serves as the foundation of and contributes to
other industries. In the past centuries, manufacturing has contributed to the modern... |
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