 Five-Star Apps: The best iPhone and iPad apps for work and play
What makes a five-star app? A program has to be interesting, even if the task it’s performing is routine. When you look at a dozen apps that have the same informational, utilitarian, or entertainment goal, five-star apps have that extra something special that floats to the top.
It can be a concierge, camera, flashlight, game... |  |  Beginning PHP 5.3 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)Welcome to Beginning PHP 5.3 ! This book teaches you how to build interactive Web sites and applications using PHP, one of the most popular Web programming languages in use today. Using PHP you can create anything from a simple form - to - email script all the way up to a Web forum application, a blogging platform, a content management system,... |  |  Dakini's Warm Breath: The Feminine Principle in Tibetan Buddhism
The primary emblem of the feminine in Tibetan Buddhism is the dakini, or "sky-dancer," a semi-wrathful spirit-woman who manifests in visions, dreams, and meditation experiences. Western scholars and interpreters of the dakini, influenced by Jungian psychology and feminist goddess theology, have shaped a contemporary critique of... |
 Realistic Architectural Visualization with 3ds Max and mental ray, Second Edition
Revitalize your architectural visualizations by bringing new levels of realism to them with an enhanced command of the mental ray toolset in 3ds Max. Full-color step-by-step tutorials give you a firm understanding of the processes and techniques needed to create impressive interior and exterior visualizations. You'll learn how to prepare... |  |  Frommer's Maui 2011 (Frommer's Complete)
Maui, also called the Valley Isle, is just a small dot in the vast Pacifi c Ocean, but it has the potential to offer visitors unforgettable experiences: fl oating weightless through rainbows of tropical fi sh, standing atop a 10,000-foot volcano watching the sunrise color the sky, and listening to the raindrops in a bamboo forest.
|  |  Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Applications on Windows Phone 7
In 2009, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates announced the company's leading web application platform for organizations, SharePoint, has exceeded 1 billion dollars in profits with over 100 million licenses sold. I was in the audience when he said that and couldn't help but reflect on how far SharePoint has come in less than a decade. In the... |
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