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Google Analytics 2.0
Google Analytics 2.0

Site Stats on Steroids

Is your Web site serving its purpose? To find out, you need to analyze factors related to what the site is supposed to do. Site statistics give you raw numbers, but Web analytics are like site stats on steroids. Analytics crunch those raw numbers into meaningful metrics—information you...

Switching to a Mac Portable Genius
Switching to a Mac Portable Genius

The stats tell us that people are switching from Windows to the Mac in record numbers, but those stats don’t tell us why. Perhaps it’s because Windows users would like to actually enjoy using a computer for a change. Perhaps it’s because Macs just work: you take them out of the box, plug them in, and within minutes...

Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Take the mystery out of statistical terms and put Excel to work!

If you need to create and interpret statistics in business or classroom settings, this easy-to-use guide is just what you need. It shows you how to use Excel's powerful tools for statistical analysis, even if you've never taken a course in statistics....

Power Phone Scripts: 500 Word-for-Word Questions, Phrases, and Conversations to Open and Close More Sales
Power Phone Scripts: 500 Word-for-Word Questions, Phrases, and Conversations to Open and Close More Sales

Start closing sales like top producers!

Have you ever found yourself at a loss for what to say when the gatekeeper asks you what your call is about? Have your palms ever sweated when the decision maker shuts you down with: “I wouldn’t be interested”? Has your heart taken a fast dive into your stomach when,...

WordPress for Business Bloggers
WordPress for Business Bloggers

Blogging has been part of the web landscape for over a decade and has matured into a ubiquitous mode of live communication. The power of blogging has been recognized by the business community, and canny marketers view it as a powerful weapon in their digital arsenal. Done well, blogging can bring myriad benefits to businesses of any size....

Think Data Structures: Algorithms and Information Retrieval in Java
Think Data Structures: Algorithms and Information Retrieval in Java

If you’re a student studying computer science or a software developer preparing for technical interviews, this practical book will help you learn and review some of the most important ideas in software engineering—data structures and algorithms—in a way that’s clearer, more concise, and more engaging than...

Optimizing Hadoop for MapReduce
Optimizing Hadoop for MapReduce

This book is the perfect introduction to sophisticated concepts in MapReduce and will ensure you have the knowledge to optimize job performance. This is not an academic treatise; it's an example-driven tutorial for the real world.


  • Optimize your MapReduce job performance
  • ...
Card Sorting
Card Sorting
There’s something about cards. Cards can turn the drab and mundane into something strangely exciting. Recipe cards, for example, have a peculiar allure that cookbooks lack. A book full of tables of baseball statistics? Dull as dishwater. Put those same stats on the backs of trading cards, however, and now...
Administrating Solr
Administrating Solr

Master the use of Drupal and associated scripts to administrate, monitor, and optimize Solr


  • Learn how to work with monitoring tools like OpsView, New Relic, and SPM
  • Utilize Solr scripts and Collection Distribution scripts to manage Solr
  • Employ search features like...
Introducing HTML5 Game Development
Baseball Hacks : Tips & Tools for Analyzing and Winning with Statistics
Baseball Hacks : Tips & Tools for Analyzing and Winning with Statistics
Baseball Hacks isn't your typical baseball book--it's a book about how to watch, research, and understand baseball. It's an instruction manual for the free baseball databases. It's a cookbook for baseball research. Every part of this book is designed to teach baseball fans how to do something. In short, it's a...
SAS/QC 9.1 User's Guide (3-Volume Set)
SAS/QC 9.1 User's Guide (3-Volume Set)

SAS/QC now includes the ANOM procedure for analysis of means, a graphical and statistical method for comparing a set of means to determine whether any of them are significantly different from the overall mean. There are also a number of enhancements to the existing CAPABILITY, OPTEX, RELIABILITY, and SHEWHART procedures.

The ADX...

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