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Mind Design II: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence
Mind Design II: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence
"Ming Design II is a welcome update of its predecessor, itself a useful compendium on the philosophy of cognitive science. This new volume retains the intellectual foundations, and some discussions of classical AI built on them, while adding connectionism, situated AI, and dynamic systems theory as extra storeys. Which of these is...
Pathology and Genetics of Skin Tumours (IARC WHO Classification of Tumours)
Pathology and Genetics of Skin Tumours (IARC WHO Classification of Tumours)

This book provides an authoritative guide to the histological and genetic typing of human tumors of the skin. This volume covers keratinocytic, melanocytic, appendageal, haematopoietic, soft tissue and neural tumors, as well as inherited tumor syndromes. Each tumor is introduced with a concise definition and discussion of nomenclature,...

Lonely Planet Montreal & Quebec City (Travel Guide)
Lonely Planet Montreal & Quebec City (Travel Guide)

Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher

Lonely Planet Montreal & Quebec City is your passport to all the most relevant and up-to-date advice on what to see, what to skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Stroll down the cobblestone streets of Old Montreal, cycle through the Parc des...

Windows Phone 7 in Action
Windows Phone 7 in Action
We’ve come from different backgrounds and locations to write this book—Michael is a Silverlight MVP who lives in Singapore; Massimo lives in Europe and worked at Microsoft on the Windows Phone team; and Timothy lives in the United States and was the technical proofreader for other Manning books on WPF and Silverlight....
Write Your Way into Animation and Games: Create a Writing Career in Animation and Games
Write Your Way into Animation and Games: Create a Writing Career in Animation and Games

Audiovisual storytelling has a long, well-developed history. As far back as the earliest known prehistoric times, human beings have communicated the essence of story through the use of pictures and sound: whether it’s cave paintings of the hunt, a poet proclaiming the epic adventures of Odysseus, Greek actors performing tragedy...


The official web2py manual. 3rd Edition. Includes many new pages (537 total).

web2py was launched in 2007 and now, after three years of continuous development, we have reached a very much needed third edition of this book. During this time web2py has managed to win the affection of many knowledgeable users and developers who share...

Object-Oriented Design and Patterns
Object-Oriented Design and Patterns

This book is an introduction to object-oriented design and design patterns at an elementary level. It is intended for students with at least one semester of programming in an object-oriented language such as Java or C++.

An object-oriented design text that's student oriented too!

Now updated to reflect the

Control and Automation: International Conference, CA 2009, Held as Part of the Future Generation Information Technology Conference
Control and Automation: International Conference, CA 2009, Held as Part of the Future Generation Information Technology Conference

As future generation information technology (FGIT) becomes specialized and fragmented, it is easy to lose sight that many topics in FGIT have common threads and, because of this, advances in one discipline may be transmitted to others. Presentation of recent results obtained in different disciplines encourages this interchange for the...

Informal Philosophy
Informal Philosophy
From around the turn of the twentieth century, the founders of symbolic logic had a profound effect on subsequent philosophical practice. They saw the combination of logic and science as a model that philosophy should emulate. Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) described it as a “scientific philosophy, grounded in mathematical logic.”...
Ruby on Rails Bible
Ruby on Rails Bible
Thanks to the explosive growth in popularity of the Rails framework, the equally popular Ruby programming language now has a great place to hang its hat. The powerful combination of the two provides the perfect toolset to create Web applications that feature concise code, clean syntax, and easy maintenance. This must-have book is your best guide on...
First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Boards (FIRST AID Specialty Boards)
First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Boards (FIRST AID Specialty Boards)

An "insider's guide" for success on the Emergency Medicine written board and in-service exams written by residents and junior faculty.

First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Boards presents time-strapped emergency medicine residents (taking annual in-training exams or the end of...

The Physics of Football: Discover the Science of Bone-Crunching Hits, Soaring Field Goals, and Awe-Inspiring Passes
The Physics of Football: Discover the Science of Bone-Crunching Hits, Soaring Field Goals, and Awe-Inspiring Passes
"Whether your primary interest is popular science or pro football, you will enjoy FOOTBALL PHYSICS." (Bill Belichick, head coach, New England Patriots )

"Football Physics is great fun. It taught me more about football than 50 years of watching the game." (Robert K. Adair, Ph.D., author of Physics of Baseball )...
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