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Using CiviCRM

Using CiviCRM, 9781849512268 (1849512264), Packt Publishing, 2011

Donald Lobo, Michal Mach, and I started CiviCRM almost six years ago. Back then, open source software had gained traction in the operating system arena, but the idea of an open source application designed from the ground up to meet the needs of non-profits and other civic sector organizations was pretty radical. We were convinced that there was a natural affinity between the principals of open source development, namely peer production, collaboration, and transparency, and the goals and culture of many civic sector organizations.

As I see it, the chief benefit of open source software is that the capabilities of the software grow and expand to meet the needs of the organizations that are sponsoring and using it. This has been called "fitness for purpose", and differentiates CiviCRM from other CRM software, which often is more like an ill-fitting "hand-medown" from the enterprise sector.

CiviCRM has grown to become the CRM software of choice for thousands of organizations around the globe. We've built a talented and dedicated team of developers, and met the challenges of building software which addresses the diverse needs of organizations ranging from community arts groups to national membership associations, grassroots organizations, political campaigns, religious organizations, foundations, and government agencies.

Along the way, we've struggled with finding the right processes and tools for nurturing a supportive and welcoming community, improving the quality and usability of the software while responding to the never-ending stream of requests for more (and more complex) functionality, and developing a revenue stream to sustain the project. This is an ongoing journey, and the advent of the first commercially published guide to CiviCRM is another milestone.

This book is a power tool of sorts. As a "manual of possibility", it will ignite new thinking as to how you can maximize returns to your organization that have not been possible before based on prior technologies you may have used (or lacked). If you're a current CiviCRM user, you will find ways to streamline workflows and leverage the data you have more effectively. Regardless of your situation, this book has been designed with YOU in mind.

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