IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT SIR ISAAC NEWTON was the last person to know everything. He was an
accomplished physicist (his three laws of motion were the basis of classical mechanics, which defi ned
astrophysics for three centuries), mathematician (he was one of the inventors of calculus and
developed Newton’s Method for fi nding roots of equations), astronomer, natural philosopher,
and alchemist (okay, maybe the last one was a mistake). He invented the refl ecting telescope, a theory
of color, and a law of cooling, and he studied the speed of sound.
Just as important, he was born before relativity, quantum mechanics, gene sequencing, thermodynamics,
parallel computation, and a swarm of other extremely diffi cult branches of science.
If you ever used Visual Basic 3, you too could have known everything. Visual Basic 3 was a reasonably
small but powerful language. Visual Basic 4 added classes to the language and made Visual
Basic much more complicated. Versions 4, 5, and 6 added more support for database programming
and other topics such as custom controls, but Visual Basic was still a fairly understandable language,
and if you took the time you could become an expert in just about all of it.
Visual Basic .NET changed the language in much more fundamental ways and made it much harder
to understand every last detail of Visual Basic. The .NET Framework added powerful new tools to
Visual Basic, but those tools came at the cost of increased complexity. Associated technologies have
been added to the language at an ever-increasing rate, so today it is impossible for anyone to be an
expert on every topic that deals with Visual Basic.
To cover every nook and cranny in Visual Basic you would need an in-depth understanding of database
technologies, custom controls, custom property editors, XML, cryptography, serialization,
two- and three-dimensional graphics, multi-threading, refl ection, the code document object model
(DOM), diagnostics, globalization, web services, inter-process communication, work fl ow, Offi ce,
ASP, Windows Forms, WPF, and much more.
This book doesn’t even attempt to cover all of these topics. Instead, it provides a broad, solid understanding
of essential Visual Basic topics. It explains the powerful development environment that
makes Visual Basic such a productive language. It describes the Visual Basic language itself and
explains how to use it to perform a host of important development tasks.
It also explains the forms, windows, controls, and other objects that Visual Basic provides for building
applications in a modern windowing environment.
This book may not cover every possible topic related to Visual Basic, but it does cover the majority
of the technologies that developers need to build sophisticated applications. |