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Introduction to Semiconductor Lasers for Optical Communications: An Applied Approach
Introduction to Semiconductor Lasers for Optical Communications: An Applied Approach

This textbook provides a thorough and accessible treatment of semiconductor lasers from a design and engineering perspective. It includes both the physics of devices as well as the engineering, designing and testing of practical lasers. The material is presented clearly with many examples provided. Readers of the book will come to...

Vertigo and Dizziness: Common Complaints
Vertigo and Dizziness: Common Complaints

Vertigo and Dizziness: Common Complaints, Second Edition revises and updates the first edition to reflect the advances that have taken place in this field.

Valid epidemiological studies are now available on the prevalence and incidence of these illnesses. There have been improvements in diagnostic criteria and important new...

Observing the User Experience, Second Edition: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research
Observing the User Experience, Second Edition: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research

The gap between who designers and developers imagine their users are, and who those users really are can be the biggest problem with product development. Observing the User Experience will help you bridge that gap to understand what your users want and need from your product, and whether they'll be able to use what you've...


A major revision of a textbook on intermediate macroeconomics, a new emphasis on long run growth is now added to the book's strengths and even more international material - particularly international policy examples - is featured. "Macroeconomics", by two internationally known economists, offers a balance of theory, economic...

Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences

This market-leading text provides a comprehensive introduction to probability and statistics for engineering students in all specialties. Proven, accurate, and lauded for its excellent examples, Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences evidences Jay Devore's reputation as an outstanding author and leader in the...

Marketing Plans for Services: A Complete Guide
Marketing Plans for Services: A Complete Guide

Marketing Plans for Services, Third Edition is written in a pragmatic, action-orientated style and each chapter has examples of marketing planning in practice. The authors highlight key misunderstandings about marketing and the nature of services and relationship marketing.

The marketer is taken step-by-step through the key phases...

Principles of Sequencing and Scheduling
Principles of Sequencing and Scheduling

An up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of scheduling theory, including recent advances and state-of-the-art topics

Principles of Sequencing and Scheduling strikes a unique balance between theory and practice, providing an accessible introduction to the concepts, methods, and results of scheduling theory and...

People Resourcing and Talent Planning: HRM in Practice
People Resourcing and Talent Planning: HRM in Practice

Focuses on the resourcing of organisations with people, this engaging text achieves a balance between academic rigour and practitioner relevance. This balanced approach, together with the breadth and versatility of the content, enables the book to be used effectively for modules based on the CIPD Professional Standards and other upper-level...

Hormones, Talent, and Career: Unlock Your Hormonal Quotient® (SpringerBriefs in Business)
Hormones, Talent, and Career: Unlock Your Hormonal Quotient® (SpringerBriefs in Business)

The media now regularly feature breakthroughs on the influence of prenatal hormones on the brain and behavior, for instance the link to financial performance or risk management. Based on these findings and their own experiments, the authors present the Hormonal Quotient (HQ) as a scientific, holistic and reliable career management and...

Studies on Men's Health and Fertility
Studies on Men's Health and Fertility

Studies on Men’s Health and Fertility provides a comprehensive series of up-to-the-minute reviews addressing the role of oxidative stress in the aetiology of reproductive pathologies in the male. This volume represents by far the most detailed, authoritative review of the field that has been produced to date.  The text...

Solar Flare Magnetic Fields and Plasmas
Solar Flare Magnetic Fields and Plasmas

This volume is devoted to the dynamics and diagnostics of solar magnetic fields and plasmas in the Sun’s atmosphere. Five broad areas of current research in Solar Physics are presented: (1) New techniques for incorporating radiation transfer effects into three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic models of the solar interior and atmosphere,...

Food Carbohydrate Chemistry
Food Carbohydrate Chemistry
Carbohydrates are major components of foods, accounting for more than 90% of the dry matter of fruits and vegetables and providing for 70-80% of human caloric intake worldwide (BeMiller and Huber 2008). Thus, from a quantitative perspective alone, carbohydrates warrant the attention of food chemists. From the standpoint of food...
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