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Online Maps with APIs and WebServices (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)
Online Maps with APIs and WebServices (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)
Abstract Bringing maps to users has been made much easier with the World Wide Web. Millions of maps now make their way through a world-wide network of computers. A major change occurred in 2005 in how those maps were delivered when Google Maps implemented a tile-based mapping system based on AJAX that facilitated interactive...
Core Python Applications Programming (3rd Edition) (Core Series)
Core Python Applications Programming (3rd Edition) (Core Series)
We are delighted that you have engaged us to help you learn Python as quickly and as deeply as possible. The goal of the Core Python series of books is not to just teach developers the Python language; we want you you to develop enough of a personal knowledge base to be able to develop software in any application area. ...
Alfresco Share
Alfresco Share
For a while now, we have been hearing a lot about collaboration in Enterprise space. We speak day in and day out to our customers who have recognized the need to have a tool for use within their organization for better and efficient collaboration. We talk to customers who have done implementations of proprietary software, and have...
YUI 3 Cookbook
YUI 3 Cookbook

Solve a wide range of problems in your web application quickly and efficiently with the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). With this definitive, getting-started guide to version 3 of the popular open source JavaScript library, you’ll learn how to address many of the most common and challenging problems that web development...

Microsoft Windows Intune 2.0: Quickstart Administration
Microsoft Windows Intune 2.0: Quickstart Administration

Microsoft Windows Intune is a cloud service solution that simplifies how small and mid-sized businesses manage and secure PCs using Microsoft cloud services and Windows 7-so your computers and users can operate at peak performance all the time.

This step-by-step guide will show you how to plan, set up and maintain Windows Intune,...

Pollution Prevention through Process Integration: Systematic Design Tools
Pollution Prevention through Process Integration: Systematic Design Tools
Processing facilities are complex systems of unit operations and streams. Consequently, their environmental impact cannot be optimally mitigated by simple end-of-pipe measures. Instead, it is crucial to gain global insights into how mass flows throughout the process and to use these insights as a consistent basis for developing...
Code Simplicity: The Fundamentals of Software
Code Simplicity: The Fundamentals of Software
The difference between a bad programmer and a good programmer is understanding. That is, bad programmers don’t understand what they are doing, and good programmers do. Believe it or not, it really is that simple.

This book exists to help all programmers understand software development on a very
Computer Forensics: Hard Disk and Operating Systems (Ec-Council Press Series : Computer Forensics)
Computer Forensics: Hard Disk and Operating Systems (Ec-Council Press Series : Computer Forensics)
Hacking and electronic crimes sophistication has grown at an exponential rate in recent years. In fact, recent reports have indicated that cyber crime already surpasses the illegal drug trade! Unethical hackers, better known as black hats, are preying on information systems of government, corporate, public, and private networks and...
Ubuntu Unleashed 2012 Edition: Covering 11.10 and 12.04 (7th Edition) (7th Edition)
Ubuntu Unleashed 2012 Edition: Covering 11.10 and 12.04 (7th Edition) (7th Edition)

We are pleased to present the 2012 edition of Ubuntu Unleashed. Ubuntu is a Linuxbased computer operating system that has taken the world by storm. From its humble beginning in 2004, Ubuntu has risen to be the vanguard of desktop Linux, as well as a popular choice for servers.

Ubuntu descends from one of the...

Sams Teach Yourself iOS 5 Application Development in 24 Hours (3rd Edition) (Sams Teach Yourself -- Hours)
Sams Teach Yourself iOS 5 Application Development in 24 Hours (3rd Edition) (Sams Teach Yourself -- Hours)

In less than half a decade, the iOS platform has changed the way that we, the public, think about our mobile computing devices. Only a few years ago, we were thrilled by phones with postage-stamp-sized screens, tinny audio, built-in tip calculators, and text-based web browsing. Times have indeed...

Visualizing Time: Designing Graphical Representations for Statistical Data (Statistics and Computing)
Visualizing Time: Designing Graphical Representations for Statistical Data (Statistics and Computing)
Art or science?Which of these is the right way to think of the field of visualization? This is not an easy question to answer, even for those who have many years of experience in making graphical depictions of data with a view to helping people understand them and take action. When we look at beautiful hand-drawn pictures of...
A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language
A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language
Systems engineering is a multidisciplinary approach for developing solutions to complex problems. The increase in system complexity is demanding more rigorous and formalized systems engineering practices. In response to this demand, along with advancements in computer technology, the practice of systems engineering is...
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