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Computer Vision Using Local Binary Patterns (Computational Imaging and Vision)
Computer Vision Using Local Binary Patterns (Computational Imaging and Vision)

Humans receive the great majority of information about their environment through sight, and at least 50% of the human brain is dedicated to vision. Vision is also a key component for building artificial systems that can perceive and understand their environment. Computer vision is likely to change society in many ways; for example, it...

High-Throughput Image Reconstruction and Analysis (Bioinformatics & Biomedical Imaging)
High-Throughput Image Reconstruction and Analysis (Bioinformatics & Biomedical Imaging)

Progress in biology is dependent on the ability to observe, measure, and model the behavior of organisms at multiple levels of abstraction, from the microscopic to the macroscopic. There has been a tremendous growth recently in the techniques to probe the structure and workings of cellular and organ-level mechanisms. Significant advances have...

Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!: A Beginner's Guide
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!: A Beginner's Guide

It's all in the name: Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! is a hilarious, illustrated guide to this complex functional language. Packed with the author's original artwork, pop culture references, and most importantly, useful example code, this book teaches functional fundamentals in a way you never thought...

Droid 2 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Droid 2 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Don’t be fooled: Just because the Droid 2 is a smartphone doesn’t mean that it’s harboring some form of insidious intelligence. There’s no alien brain in the device. It isn’t going to take over the world, though it can intimidate you — that is, until you understand and accept that it’s your...

Head First iPhone and iPad Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone and iPad
Head First iPhone and iPad Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone and iPad

Let's say you have a killer app idea for iPhone and iPad. Where do you begin? Head First iPhone and iPad Development will help you get your first application up and running in no time. You'll not only learn how to design for Apple's devices, you'll also master the iPhone SDK tools -- including Interface...

An Interactive Multimedia Introduction to Signal Processing
An Interactive Multimedia Introduction to Signal Processing

Together the book and CD-ROM form a learning system that provides both investigative studies and the visualization of complex processes. A didactic concept is undertaken for microelectronics, computer technology and communication engineering, which deals with the visualization of signals and processes in addition to graphical programming of...

Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery: Foundations, Theories, and Systems
Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery: Foundations, Theories, and Systems

For half a century, computer scientists have been working on systems for discovering lawful patterns in letters, numbers, words and images. The research has expanded into the computational study of the process of scientific discovery, producing such well-known AI programs as BACON and DENDRAL. However, autonomous discovery systems...

Computer Technology Encyclopedia
Computer Technology Encyclopedia

These days, any attempt to write a full-blown encyclopedia or dictionary of computer terminology would be an exercise in futility. New terms and buzzwords appear every day, and information technology fi elds overlap with so many other fi elds it can be hard to determine if a word is IT, telecommunications, or graphics arts, and so on....

Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)
Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)

In the last three decades, machine learning research and practice have focused on batch learning usually using small datasets. In batch learning, the whole training data is available to the algorithm, which outputs a decision model after processing the data eventually (or most of the times) multiple times. The rationale behind this...

Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft
Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft
By his early thirties, Paul Allen was a world-famous billionaire-and that was just the beginning.

In 2007 and 2008, Time named Paul Allen, the cofounder of Microsoft, one of the hundred most influential people in the world. Since he made his fortune, his impact has been felt in science, technology, business,
Basic Neurochemistry, Seventh Edition: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects
Basic Neurochemistry, Seventh Edition: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects

This Seventh Edition of Basic Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects is appearing near to the 50th anniversary of the founding of neurochemistry as a discipline. This seems an appropriate time to examine the progress of neurochemistry and of this book. To make this brief, we will look at only two topics, which may be...

Advanced Artificial Intelligence (Series on Intelligence Science)
Advanced Artificial Intelligence (Series on Intelligence Science)

Artificial Intelligence's long-term goal is to build the human level of artificial intelligence. AI was born 50 years ago, in the bumpy road has made encouraging progress, in particular, machine learning, data mining, computer vision, expert systems, natural language processing, planning, robotics and related applications have...

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