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Information Systems Development: Business Systems and Services: Modeling and Development
Information Systems Development: Business Systems and Services: Modeling and Development

This book is the outcome the 19th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD 2010), hosted by the faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague during 25–27 August 2010.

The ISD conference evolved from the first Polish-Scandinavian Seminar on Current Trends in Information Systems...

Green IT in Practice
Green IT in Practice

There is a scientific consensus that we need to act rapidly to cut carbon dioxide emissions if we are to limit the most extreme effects of climate change. The IT sector is in a unique position to act as a catalyst for this change. By implementing simple efficiencies, the sector can reduce its carbon footprint – which currently...

Virtualization Security (EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional)
Virtualization Security (EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional)

Hacking and electronic crimes sophistication has grown at an exponential rate in recent years. In fact, recent reports have indicated that cyber crime already surpasses the illegal drug trade! Unethical hackers better known as black hats are preying on information systems of government, corporate, public, and private networks and are...

Penetration Testing: Procedures & Methodologies
Penetration Testing: Procedures & Methodologies

Hacking and electronic crimes sophistication has grown at an exponential rate in recent years. In fact, recent reports have indicated that cyber crime already surpasses the illegal drug trade! Unethical hackers better known as black hats are preying on information systems of government, corporate, public, and private networks and are...

Drinking Water and Infectious Disease: Establishing the Links
Drinking Water and Infectious Disease: Establishing the Links

There still exists considerable uncertainty in many countries about the contribution of drinking water to sporadic cases of disease. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), led the Workshop on Molecular Technologies for Safe Drinking Water in 1998 to address...

Linear Programming and Network Flows
Linear Programming and Network Flows

Linear Programming deals with the problem of minimizing or maximizing a linear function in the presence of linear inequalities. Since the development of the simplex method by George B. Dantzig in 1947, linear programming has been extensively used in the military, industrial, governmental, and urban planning fields, among others. The...

Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age

The telegraph, telephone, radio, and especially the computer have put everyone on the globe within earshot— at the price of our privacy. It may feel like we're performing an intimate act when, sequestered in our rooms and cubicles, we casually use our cell phones and computers to transmit our thoughts, confidences,...

Master Data Management and Customer Data Integration for a Global Enterprise
Master Data Management and Customer Data Integration for a Global Enterprise

This book is about interesting and exciting new developments in the area of information management. These developments are focused on new ways of structuring, choosing, understanding, and integrating information that is needed to run a business, service customers, and comply with numerous regulatory requirements.


Natural language communication with computers (Lecture notes in computer science)
Natural language communication with computers (Lecture notes in computer science)

In recent years in numerous countries, attempts have been made to   develop natural language systems of communication with computers.

This research has been initiated by well-known research institutes sponsored often by government research programs.

This publication should facilitate an exchange of information,...

Agile Business Rule Development: Process, Architecture, and JRules Examples
Agile Business Rule Development: Process, Architecture, and JRules Examples

According to Wordnet, a rule is “a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior” or “a prescribed guide for conduct or action.” Businesses, and organizations in general, operate under a number of rules: rules about what services to offer and to whom; rules about how much to charge for those services;...

Cloud Computing Bible
Cloud Computing Bible

In the five months that I have been researching and writing Cloud Computing Bible, it has become clear to me that most people recognize that cloud computing is a big deal, even if they are not really clear why that is so. Every day newspaper and magazine articles and radio and TV stories report on cloud computing. The phrase “in the...

Ecological Modeling for Resource Management
Ecological Modeling for Resource Management

This book was developed from a workshop on the “Effective Use of Ecological Modeling in Management,” held in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, on October 23–26, 2000. The workshop was sponsored by the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), the Army Research...

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