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Map Scripting 101: An Example-Driven Guide to Building Interactive Maps with Bing, Yahoo!, and Google Maps
Map Scripting 101: An Example-Driven Guide to Building Interactive Maps with Bing, Yahoo!, and Google Maps

The Web has changed our lives in many ways. The first online, on-demand driving directions from MapQuest very nearly rendered traditional road atlases obsolete. Today, many websites that provide driving directions also make their maps available to developers. Using these mapping APIs, you can plot your own points or...

Using CiviCRM
Using CiviCRM

Donald Lobo, Michal Mach, and I started CiviCRM almost six years ago. Back then, open source software had gained traction in the operating system arena, but the idea of an open source application designed from the ground up to meet the needs of non-profits and other civic sector organizations was pretty radical. We were convinced that there...

Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security
Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security

Cryptography has made a peculiar journey to become a modern science. It had long been associated with the military and with magic. The rst published work in the eld was Steganographia, by an alchemist named Trithemius. Although written earlier, the book was published in 1606. Cryptography has continued this connection with the arcane...

Desktop Witness: The Do's and Don'ts of Personal Computer Security
Desktop Witness: The Do's and Don'ts of Personal Computer Security

When asked 'who are you?', people in different cultures tend to define themselves fundamentally differently in terms of what their respective culture considers to be most important. In cultures where one's professional and economic status is most important, people say 'I am an engineer', or 'a priest at St...

Introduction to Biometrics
Introduction to Biometrics
A number of crucial societal applications like international border crossing, electronic commerce, and welfare disbursement require reliable person recognition systems. Traditional person authentication methods based on passwords and identity documents often fail to meet the stringent security and performance demands of these...
Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach
Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach
Over the past decade, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have evolved from a highly specialized niche to a technology that affects nearly every aspect of our lives, from finding driving directions to managing natural disasters. While just a few years ago the use of GIS was restricted to a group of researchers, planners and...
Computer Forensics: Hard Disk and Operating Systems (Ec-Council Press Series : Computer Forensics)
Computer Forensics: Hard Disk and Operating Systems (Ec-Council Press Series : Computer Forensics)
Hacking and electronic crimes sophistication has grown at an exponential rate in recent years. In fact, recent reports have indicated that cyber crime already surpasses the illegal drug trade! Unethical hackers, better known as black hats, are preying on information systems of government, corporate, public, and private networks and...
Public-Key Cryptography: State of the Art and Future Directions : E.I.S.S. Workshop, Oberwolfach, Germany
Public-Key Cryptography: State of the Art and Future Directions : E.I.S.S. Workshop, Oberwolfach, Germany

The "European Institute for System Security (E.I.S.S.)" was founded on February 29, 1988 by cabinet resolution of the state government Baden-Wurttemberg. It is headed by Professor Thomas Beth and is affiliated with the Institute for Algorithms and Cognitive Systems (IAKS) of the Faculty for Computer Science at the University of...

Melt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems (Developments in Volcanology)
Melt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems (Developments in Volcanology)
From September 264 to 30 th, 2002, a group of researchers met at Seiano di Vico Equense, on the Sorrento Peninsula, Italy, to participate in the "Workshop-Short Course on Volcanic Systems. Gecx:hcmical and Geophysical Monitoring. Melt Inclusions: Methods, Applications and Problems", sponsored by the Istituto Nazionalr di...
Basic Structures for Engineers and Architects
Basic Structures for Engineers and Architects
When I was 16 I had a Saturday job as a shelf-stacker at a local supermarket. One day, during a tea break, a co-worker asked me what I did the rest of the week. I explained that I had just done O Levels and was going on to do A Levels. I told him how many and in which subjects. He then asked me about my career aspirations (not...
TcL Scripting for Cisco IOS (Networking Technology)
TcL Scripting for Cisco IOS (Networking Technology)

A guide to building and modifying Tcl scripts to automate network administration tasks


Streamline Cisco network administration and save time with Tcl scripting

Cisco networking professionals are under relentless pressure to...

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Current Issues and New Applications: Current Issues and New Applications
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Current Issues and New Applications: Current Issues and New Applications
The Fourth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2000) was held at the Keihanna-Plaza, Kyoto, Japan, April 18 - 20, 2000. PAKDD 2000 provided an international forum for researchers and application developers to share their original research results and practical development experiences. A wide...
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