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Terrorism and Homeland Security: An Introduction with Applications (The Butterworth-Heinemann Homeland Security Series)
Terrorism and Homeland Security: An Introduction with Applications (The Butterworth-Heinemann Homeland Security Series)
Terrorism and Homeland Security: An Introduction with Applications provides a comprehensive overview of terrorism, public and private sector counterterrorism, and "all hazards" emergency management. The book presents national, state, and local perspectives and up-to-date information, including the reorganization of the...
100 Strangest Mysteries
100 Strangest Mysteries
THE BEAST OF BODMIN: whether it is a native cat, previously thought extinct, or an escaped exotic pet, the Beast of Bodmin is a creature that refuses to disappear. Indeed, sightings of the panther-like creature continue apace and, unlike other mysterious beasts, modern technology is actually helping to prove its existence. Bodmin Moor is an area of...
Mobile Internet For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Mobile Internet For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Stay informed, entertained, and up to date — anywhere!

Discover the mobile Internet and surf, shop, blog, watch videos, and more!

When it comes to the Internet, you CAN take it with you! This book is packed with tips on choosing the best mobile device, software, and service...

Malicious Bots: An Inside Look into the Cyber-Criminal Underground of the Internet
Malicious Bots: An Inside Look into the Cyber-Criminal Underground of the Internet
Originally designed to sabotage or annihilate websites, computerized “Bots” are increasingly used in mass spamming events, fraud, extortion, identity theft, and software theft. Focusing on the malicious use of bots and bot herder means and motivations, Malicious Bots provides a much needed a resource for understanding...
A Dictionary of Law (Oxford Paperback Reference)
A Dictionary of Law (Oxford Paperback Reference)
This dictionary has been written by a distinguished team of academic and practising lawyers. It is intended primarily for those without a qualification in law who nevertheless require some legallmowledge in the course oftheir work: chartered surveyors and accountants, civil servants and local-government officers, social workers and probation...
Network-Centric Service Oriented Enterprise
Network-Centric Service Oriented Enterprise
The emergence of Enterprise services has triggered a major paradigm shift in distributed computing: from Object-Oriented Architecture (OOA) to Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). As the need grows to incorporate and exchange information across wire-line and wireless networks, so grows the necessity to establish an infrastructure for...
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
Steven Levy's classic book explains why the misuse of the word "hackers" to describe computer criminals does a terrible disservice to many important shapers of the digital revolution. Levy follows members of an MIT model railroad club--a group of brilliant budding electrical engineers and computer innovators--from the late 1950s to...
Designing Effective Web Surveys
Designing Effective Web Surveys
Designing Effective Web Surveys is a practical guide to designing Web surveys, based on empirical evidence and grounded in scientific research and theory. It is designed to guide survey practitioners in the art and science of developing and deploying successful Web surveys. It is not intended as a "cook book"; rather it is meant to get...
Spacecraft Power Systems
Spacecraft Power Systems
The first man-made satellite was Sputnik I, launched and operated by Russia in the low Earth orbit in 1957. In the decade that followed, the American space exploration programs launched many Earth orbiting satellites. The first commercial geosynchronous satellite, Intelsat-1, was placed in orbit in 1965, and, in 1969, NASA’s Apollo-11 became...
Robot Programmer's Bonanza
Robot Programmer's Bonanza
The first hands-on programming guide for today's robot hobbyist

Get ready to reach into your programming toolbox and control a robot like never before! Robot Programmer's Bonanza is the one-stop guide for everyone from robot novices to advanced hobbyists who are ready to go beyond just building robots and start...

Post Quantum Cryptography
Post Quantum Cryptography
Quantum computers will break today's most popular public-key cryptographic systems, including RSA, DSA, and ECDSA. This book introduces the reader to the next generation of cryptographic algorithms, the systems that resist quantum-computer attacks: in particular, post-quantum public-key encryption systems and post-quantum public-key signature...
ALE, EDI, & IDoc Technologies for SAP, 2nd Edition (Prima Tech's SAP Book Series)
ALE, EDI, & IDoc Technologies for SAP, 2nd Edition (Prima Tech's SAP Book Series)
Application Link Enabling (ALE) is SAP’s proprietary technology that enables data communications between two or more SAP R/3 systems and/or SAP R/3 legacy systems. ALE and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) technologies are the best fit for this type of communication. With ALE, EDI, & IDoc Technologies for SAP, 2nd Edition, you will...
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