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Partial Differential Equations & Boundary Value Problems with Maple, Second Edition
Partial Differential Equations & Boundary Value Problems with Maple, Second Edition

From Book News, Inc.

Integrating Maple V animation software and traditional topics of partial differential equations, this text discusses first and second-order differential equations, Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems, generalized Fourier series, the diffusion or heat
Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS
Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS
Embedded systems are ubiquitous. These systems are found in most consumer electronics, automotive, government, military, communications, and medical equipment. Most individuals in developed countries have many such systems and use them daily, but relatively few people realize that these systems actually contain embedded computer systems. Although...
Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for Usability (Interactive Technologies)
Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for Usability (Interactive Technologies)
"The humble form: it may seem boring, but most of your website's value passes through forms. Follow Jarrett & Gaffney's guidelines, and you'll probably double your online profits." - Jakob Nielsen, Principal, Nielsen Norman Group

"This book isn't just about colons and choosing the right widgets. It's about the whole
E-discovery: Creating and Managing an Enterprisewide Program - A Technical Guide to Digital Investigation and Litigation Support
E-discovery: Creating and Managing an Enterprisewide Program - A Technical Guide to Digital Investigation and Litigation Support
Learn to produce evidence-quality data for legal counsel accurately, efficiently and cost-effectively.

One of the hottest topics in computer forensics today, electronic discovery (e-discovery) is the process by which parties involved in litigation respond to requests to produce electronically stored information (ESI).
Technology Guide: Principles, Applications, Trends
Technology Guide: Principles, Applications, Trends

…find descriptions of today’s most essential global technologies, clearly structured and simply explained in over 100 expert contributions;

…gain an understanding of the principles behind each technology, – the latest applications, the challenges ahead, and future...

Advances in Computer-Supported Learning
Advances in Computer-Supported Learning
The Internet and growth of computer networks have eliminated geographic barriers, creating an environment where education can be brought to a student no matter where that student may be. The success of distance learning programs and the availability of many Web-supported applications and multimedia resources have increased the effectiveness of...
Oracle 11g For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Oracle 11g For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Are you a seasoned system administrator charged with setting up an Oracle database? Or did you suddenly become a DBA by default? If database administration with Oracle is part of your job, you’ll be glad to have Oracle 11g For Dummies in your cubicle.

This nuts-and-bolts guide walks you through the mysteries of Oracle and...

Practical RF System Design
Practical RF System Design
The ultimate practical resource for today’s RF system design professionals

Radio frequency components and circuits form the backbone of today’s mobile and satellite communications networks. Consequently, both practicing and aspiring industry professionals need to be able to solve ever more complex problems of RF design.

Iridium Complexes in Organic Synthesis
Iridium Complexes in Organic Synthesis

Ranging from mechanistic studies to industrial applications, this handbook is the first to comprehensively explores the topic of iridium in organic synthesis. The important advances in iridium mediated reactions namely hydrogenation, hydroamination, hydroboration, C-C bond formation, carbonylation and cycloaddition are discussed. The book...

How to Wow with PowerPoint
How to Wow with PowerPoint
Go Beyond The Ordinary With Your Next Presentation...
…provide a well-designed and rich multimedia experience!

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have two of the most sought-after graphic design professionals sitting next to you at your computer as you navigate through the infinite possibilities of
Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology (Biotechnology in Agriculture Series)
Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology (Biotechnology in Agriculture Series)
The successful application of biotechnology tools has had and is having dramatic effects in some areas of agriculture. These effects are being felt throughout the world in academic, government and industrial communities. The result is the rapid development of a multi-million dollar industry. This work has been going on for more than two decades...
The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods (Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management)
The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods (Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management)
The Engineering Design of Systems compiles a wealth of information from diverse sources, providing a unique, one-stop reference of current methods and models for systems engineering. This updated edition features important new information on Systems Modeling Language (SysML), more descriptive material on usage scenarios based on literature from use...
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