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Cybercrime: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)
Cybercrime: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)
Cybercrime: A Reference Handbook documents the history of computer hacking from free long distance phone calls to virtual espionage to worries of a supposed "cyber apocalypse," and provides accessible information everyone should know. How can a person's identity be stolen? What exactly is a "hacker"? How much damage can a 17...
Hactivism and Cyberwars: Rebels with a Cause
Hactivism and Cyberwars: Rebels with a Cause
This detailed history of hacktivism's evolution from early hacking culture to its present day status as the radical face of online politics describes the ways in which hacktivism has re-appropriated hacking techniques to create an innovative new form of political protest. The authors provide an explanation of the different strands of hacktivism...
Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software
Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software
In "Two Bits", Christopher M. Kelty investigates the history and cultural significance of Free Software, revealing the people and practices that have transformed not only software, but also music, film, science, and education. Free Software is a set of practices devoted to the collaborative creation of software source code that is made...
Trust and Security in Collaborative Computing (Computer and Network Security)
Trust and Security in Collaborative Computing (Computer and Network Security)
Computer networks are compromised by various unpredictable factors, such as hackers, viruses, spam, faults, and system failures, hindering the full utilization of computer systems for collaborative computing one of the objectives for the next generation of the Internet. It includes the functions of data communication, resource sharing, group...
Wireless Security
Wireless Security
Get full details on major mobile/wireless clients and operating systems-including Windows CE, Palm OS, UNIX, and Windows. You'll learn how to design and implement a solid security system to protect your wireless network and keep hackers out. Endorsed by RSA Security - the most trusted name in e-security - this is your one-stop guide to wireless...
Practical Internet Security
Practical Internet Security
As organizations today are linking their systems across enterprise-wide networks and VPNs as well as increasing their exposure to customers, competitors, browsers and hackers on the Internet, it becomes increasingly imperative for Web professionals to be trained in techniques for effectively protecting their sites from internal and external...
Practical Cryptology and Web Security
Practical Cryptology and Web Security
Security is now the number one concern for businesses world wide. The gold standard for attaining security is cryptography; it provides the most reliable tools for storing or transmitting digital information. This is the first textbook showing students how to implement cryptography and incorporate it into real-world systems on the Web.
Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation (Networking Series)
Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation (Networking Series)
The Most Comprehensive, Up-to-Date, Reference on Computer Forensics! Using personal computers as their weapons, hackers and criminals (some only 11 years old) have attacked the Internet, government agencies, financial companies, small businesses, and the credit card accounts of unsuspecting individuals. This completely updated book/CD package...
Guide to Computer Network Security (Computer Communications and Networks)
Guide to Computer Network Security (Computer Communications and Networks)
Contemporary societies have increasing dependence on computers and computer networks, and the increasing popularity of mobile computing, have given rise to numerous computer security problems. Yet despite a high proliferation of expert remedies, a viable and comprehensive solution to these security issues remains elusive, and society continues to...
Hacking Mac OS X Tiger : Serious Hacks, Mods and Customizations
Hacking Mac OS X Tiger : Serious Hacks, Mods and Customizations
This serious, but fun, down-and-dirty book will let you make Tiger purr, ensuring that your Macs appearance, speed, usability, and security settings are what you want. Author Scott Knaster:

  • Shows you how to speed it up, lock it down, or pull back the curtains.
  • Dives into default system settings,...
Wireless Security: Know It All
Wireless Security: Know It All
The latest technologies - the leading experts - proven real-world design solutions - together in one must-have volume!

The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written to create hard-working desk references that will be an engineer's first port of call for key information, design techniques and
Implementing 802.1X Security Solutions for Wired and Wireless Networks
Implementing 802.1X Security Solutions for Wired and Wireless Networks
When deploying a wireless or wired network, you must ensure that proper security safeguards are put in place. An enterprise, for example, often has valuable resources stored inside databases that are attached to the network. Using passwords to access specific applications is usually not good enough to keep hackers from accessing the resources in an...
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