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RESTful Java Web Services
RESTful Java Web Services
If you are already familiar with REST theory but are new to RESTful Java web services, and want to use the Java technology stack together with Java RESTful frameworks to create robust web services, this is the book for you.

This book is a guide to developing RESTful web services using Java and the most popular RESTful frameworks
Principles of Sequencing and Scheduling
Principles of Sequencing and Scheduling

An up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of scheduling theory, including recent advances and state-of-the-art topics

Principles of Sequencing and Scheduling strikes a unique balance between theory and practice, providing an accessible introduction to the concepts, methods, and results of scheduling theory and...

Combinatorial Search: From Algorithms to Systems
Combinatorial Search: From Algorithms to Systems

Although they are believed to be unsolvable in general, tractability results suggest that some practical NP-hard problems can be efficiently solved. Combinatorial search algorithms are designed to efficiently explore the usually large solution space of these instances by reducing the search space to feasible regions and using heuristics to...

Multi-Objective Swarm Intelligent Systems: Theory & Experiences (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Multi-Objective Swarm Intelligent Systems: Theory & Experiences (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Recently, a new class of heuristic techniques, the swarm intelligence has emerged. In this context, more recently, biologists and computer scientists in the field of “artificial life” have been turning to insects for ideas that can be used for heuristics. Many aspects of the collective activities of social insects,...
Intelligent Computer Graphics 2011 (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Intelligent Computer Graphics 2011 (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Intelligent techniques are used since several years in various research areas using computer programs. The purpose of using intelligent techniques is generally to optimise the processing time, to find more accurate solutions, for a lot of problems, than with traditional methods, or simply to find solutions in problems where...
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 8th International Conference, EMMCVPR 2011
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 8th International Conference, EMMCVPR 2011

Over the last few decades, energy minimization methods have become an established paradigm to resolve a variety of challenges in the fields of computer vision and pattern recognition. While traditional approaches to computer vision were often based on a heuristic sequence of processing steps and merely allowed a very limited...

The Design of Approximation Algorithms
The Design of Approximation Algorithms

Discrete optimization problems are everywhere, from traditional operations research planning problems, such as scheduling, facility location, and network design; to computer science problems in databases; to advertising issues in viral marketing. Yet most such problems are NP-hard. Thus unless P = NP, there are no efficient algorithms to find...

Flexible Shift Planning in the Service Industry: The Case of Physicians in Hospitals
Flexible Shift Planning in the Service Industry: The Case of Physicians in Hospitals

The book presents new ideas to model and solve the flexible shift planning problem of personnel workers in the service industry. First, a new modeling approach is proposed that requires shifts to be generated implicitly rather than employing a predefined set of shift types like three 8-hour or two 12-hour shifts to cover varying forecast demand....

Instabilities, Chaos And Turbulence: An Introduction To Nonlinear Dynamics And Complex Systems
Instabilities, Chaos And Turbulence: An Introduction To Nonlinear Dynamics And Complex Systems
"This book is an excellent addition to the literature on how dynamics may be used to understand and model more complex phenomena such as fluid flow, or pattern formation, written by a leading expert in the field who has contributed to a lot of the original results. It is an ideal choice for scientists, engineers or mathematicians who wish to...
Deadline Scheduling for Real-Time Systems - EDF and Related Algorithms
Deadline Scheduling for Real-Time Systems - EDF and Related Algorithms
Many real-time systems rely on static scheduling algorithms. This includes cyclic scheduling, rate monotonic scheduling and fixed schedules created by off-line scheduling techniques such as dynamic programming, heuristic search, and simulated annealing. However, for many real-time systems, static scheduling algorithms are quite restrictive and...
Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning: A Local Search Approach
Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning: A Local Search Approach
Planning is a crucial skill for any autonomous agent, be it a physically embedded agent, such as a robot, or a purely simulated software agent. For this reason, planning, as a central research area of artificial intelligence from its beginnings, has gained even more attention and importance recently.

After giving a general introduction to AI...

Usability Engineering (Interactive Technologies)
Usability Engineering (Interactive Technologies)
The purpose of Jakob Nielsen's Usability Engineering is to help nontechnical people improve the systems so that

they are not only error-free but also easier and more pleasant to use, and more efficient. It is a book that ...shows us
how to change the world and does so admirably....One of this book's strengths is that it

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