 The Design of Climate Policy (CESifo Seminar Series)Debates over post-Kyoto Protocol climate change policy often take note of two issues: the feasibility and desirability of international cooperation on climate change policies, given the failure of the United States to ratify Kyoto and the very limited involvement of developing countries, and the optimal timing of climate policies. In this book... |  |  Mars, A Cosmic Stepping Stone: Uncovering Humanity's Cosmic ContextThe questions of our origin and cosmic abundance of life are among the most compelling facing humanity. We have determined much about the nature and origin of the Universe and our place in it, but with virtually all evidence of our origin long since gone from our world and an unimaginably vast Universe still to explore, defining answers are... |  |  Analog ElectronicsIan Hickman is looked to by thousands of circuit designers for his innovative design ideas and clear explanations of the fundamentals of analog circuit design. This book is a distillation of Hickman's design insights, introducing all the main areas of analog electronics.
THE professional text for analog electronics Includes numerous... |
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