 Management Information Systems (12th Edition)
We wrote this book for business school students who want an in-depth look at
how today's business firms use information technologies and systems to
achieve corporate objectives. Information systems are one of the major tools
available to business managers for achieving operational excellence, developing
new products and services,... |  |  Pharmacoethics: A Problem-Based Approach (Plant Engineering Series)
About 20 years ago, the University of New Mexico School of Medicine (SOM)
established a student-centered problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum
emphasizing ambulatory care practice competencies. It was designed for small
groups of students working together and ran parallel with their more traditional
curriculum. The SOM... |  |  Police Officer Exam Cram (2nd Edition)
The smartest, fastest, most effective preparation for the latest Police Officer exam
# Thoroughly covers all five areas of the standard Police Officer Exam: Comprehension, Recall, Forms, Legal Definitions, and "What If" Scenarios.
# Helps candidates quickly assess where they stand, and master what they need to... |
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