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Musculoskeletal Sonography: Technique, Anatomy, Semeiotics and Pathological Findings in Rheumatic Diseases
Musculoskeletal Sonography: Technique, Anatomy, Semeiotics and Pathological Findings in Rheumatic Diseases

This book elucidates on the examination technique, the sonographic changes in musculoskeletal rheumatic involvement and the ultrasound assessment of joint rheumatic diseases. The atlas is enriched with several figures, in which the US picture is compared with that of conventional radiography, CT and MRI. It provides a unique collection of...

Combined Scintigraphic and Radiographic Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Diseases
Combined Scintigraphic and Radiographic Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Diseases

The third edition of Combined Scintigraphic and Radiographic Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Diseases has been comprehensively rewritten and rearranged. It now encompasses, in addition to the bone and joint diseases described in the two earlier editions, hitherto unpublished novel applications of pinhole scanning to the diagnosis of a broader...

High Performance Deformable Image Registration Algorithms for Manycore Processors
High Performance Deformable Image Registration Algorithms for Manycore Processors

High Performance Deformable Image Registration Algorithms for Manycore Processors develops highly data-parallel image registration algorithms suitable for use on modern multi-core architectures, including graphics processing units (GPUs). Focusing on deformable registration, we show how to develop data-parallel versions of the...

Parallel Imaging in Clinical MR Applications (Medical Radiology)
Parallel Imaging in Clinical MR Applications (Medical Radiology)

This book presents the first in-depth introduction to parallel imaging techniques and, in particular, to the application of parallel imaging in clinical MRI. It will provide readers with a broader understanding of the fundamental principles of parallel imaging and of the advantages and disadvantages of specific MR protocols in clinical...

The Human Hippocampus: Functional Anatomy, Vascularization and Serial Sections with MRI
The Human Hippocampus: Functional Anatomy, Vascularization and Serial Sections with MRI

This book offers a precise description of the anatomy of human hippocampus in view of neurosurgical progress and the wealth of medical imaging methods available. A survey of the current concepts explains the functions of the hippocampus and describes its external and internal vascularisation. Head sections and magnetic resonance images...

Clinical Functional MRI: Presurgical Functional Neuroimaging (Medical Radiology)
Clinical Functional MRI: Presurgical Functional Neuroimaging (Medical Radiology)

This is the first textbook on clinical fMRI. It is devoted to preoperative fMRI in patients with brain tumors and epilepsies, which are the most well-established clinical applications. State-of-the-art fMRI procedures are presented, with detailed consideration of the physiological and methodological background, imaging and data processing,...

Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors
Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors

This richly illustrated book provides a comprehensive survey of the growing role of medical imaging studies in the detection, staging, grading, tissue characterization, and post-treatment follow-up of soft tissue tumors. For each tumor group, imaging findings are correlated with clinical, epidemiologic, and histologic data. The relative...

Imaging the Central Nervous System of the Fetus and Neonate
Imaging the Central Nervous System of the Fetus and Neonate

One of the most significant areas of advance in clinical medicine over the last 20 years has been in the imaging technologies. It is difficult to point to the single method or application that has benefited most from those advances because nearly all specialities in medicine have been involved. Perhaps the most significant trend, however, has...

Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of the Quality of Bone and Scaffold Materials: Techniques and Applications
Advanced Bioimaging Technologies in Assessment of the Quality of Bone and Scaffold Materials: Techniques and Applications

This book provides a perspective on the current status of bioimaging technologies developed to assess the quality of musculoskeletal tissue with an emphasis on bone and cartilage. It offers evaluations of scaffold biomaterials developed for enhancing the repair of musculoskeletal tissues. These bioimaging techniques include micro-CT, nano-CT,...

Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method
Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method

A straightforward, easy-to-read introduction to the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method

Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) is one of the primary computational electrodynamics modeling techniques available. Since it is a time-domain method, FDTD solutions can cover a wide frequency range with a single simulation run...

Real-Time Volume Graphics
Real-Time Volume Graphics

IN TRADITIONAL COMPUTER GRAPHICS, 3D objects are created using highlevel surface representations such as polygonal meshes, NURBS (nonuniform rational B-spline) patches, or subdivision surfaces. Using this modeling paradigm, visual properties of surfaces, such as color, roughness, and reflectance, are described by means of a shading...

Atlas of Practical Applications of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine)
Atlas of Practical Applications of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine)
Six years have passed since the edition of our Atlas of Practical Cardiac Applications of MRI. Fortunately, the technique has experienced during this time a continuous development that demanded a new updated version of the book. One of the consequences of this growing process has been the adoption of the term...
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