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Crystallization Process Systems
Crystallization Process Systems

Crystallization from solution is a core technology in major sectors of the chemical process and allied industries. Crystals are produced in varying sizes ranging from as small as a few tens of nanometers to several millimetres or more, both as discrete particles and as structured agglomerates. Well- established examples include bulk...

Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation
Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation
This book has originated from lectures on regulation and signal transduction that are offered to students of biochemistry, biology and chemistry at the University of Bayreuth. The idea to write a book on signal transduction was born during the preparations of these lectures where I realized that it is extremely difficult to achieve...
Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine
Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine
The use of medicinal plants to treat everyday complaints and illnesses is becoming ever more popular. This pocket guide is aimed not only at doctors and members of the various healing professions interested in phytotherapy, but also in particular at interested lay people, for whom this book is intended as a...
Production Planning with SAP APO (2nd Edition)
Production Planning with SAP APO (2nd Edition)
With SAP Advanced Planning & Optimization (SAP APO) or SAP Sup- ply Chain Management (SAP SCM), SAP has offered a powerful system to support a whole range of processes in supply chain management for years now. The APO-PP/DS (Production Planning/Detailed Scheduling) software is used for plant-specific production planning and...
Failure Criteria in Fibre-Reinforced-Polymer Composites
Failure Criteria in Fibre-Reinforced-Polymer Composites
Fibre Reinforced Polymer composite materials (FRP’s) are now widely utilised in many applications including aircraft, yachts, motor vehicles, chemical and process plant, sporting goods and a wide range of military equipment. They are an extremely broad and versatile class of material, encompassing a wide range of fibre and...
Pharmacoethics: A Problem-Based Approach (Plant Engineering Series)
Pharmacoethics: A Problem-Based Approach (Plant Engineering Series)
About 20 years ago, the University of New Mexico School of Medicine (SOM) established a student-centered problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum emphasizing ambulatory care practice competencies. It was designed for small groups of students working together and ran parallel with their more traditional curriculum. The SOM...
Bioinformatics: Tools and Applications
Bioinformatics: Tools and Applications
Biology has progressed tremendously in the last decade due in part to the increased automation in the generation of data from sequences to genotypes to phenotypes. Biology is now very much an information science, and bioinformatics provides the means to connect biological data to hypotheses. Within this volume, we have collated...
Bioassay Techniques for Drug Development
Bioassay Techniques for Drug Development

The so-called “green wave”, triggered by a growing ecological awareness, has resulted in an increased interest in herbal formulations throughout the world, particularly in the last decade. The consumption of medicinal plants has almost doubled in the West during that period. The efficacy of a number of herbal formulations...

Herb Gardening For Dummies (For Dummies (Home & Garden))
Herb Gardening For Dummies (For Dummies (Home & Garden))

A plain-English guide to the world of herb gardening

Starting an herb garden isn't free, but it certainly outweighs the growing costs of buying retail herbs. Plus, adding homegrown ingredients to your meals is a healthy and tasty way to improve upon any dish you whip up at home.

This friendly, hands-on guide is an...

Fuzzy Algorithms for Control (International Series in Intelligent Technologies)
Fuzzy Algorithms for Control (International Series in Intelligent Technologies)

Fuzzy Algorithms for Control gives an overview of the research results of a number of European research groups that are active and play a leading role in the field of fuzzy modeling and control. It contains 12 chapters divided into three parts.

Chapters in the first part address the position of fuzzy systems in control...

The Book of Weeds: How to Deal with Plants that Behave Badly
The Book of Weeds: How to Deal with Plants that Behave Badly

Finally, from the author of Compost, fascinating information and advice on handling weeds - how to recognize them, how to control them, and how to exploit them. The first step is to know your enemy, so weeds are identified and the survival strategies of various types is explained to enable you to get rid of them more easily. Finally,...

Create Your Dream Garden: Tips and Techniques to Make Your Garden Bloom (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Create Your Dream Garden: Tips and Techniques to Make Your Garden Bloom (52 Brilliant Ideas)

Each chapter of this book is designed to provide you with an inspirational idea that you can read quickly and put into practice straight away.

"Don't worry. This isn't a garden makeover book that'll convince you to put decking over every plant you see nor will it teach you how to spot your Symphoricarpos albus from...

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