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Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy
Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy

The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy provides a comprehensive overview of public diplomacy and national image and perception management, from the efforts to foster pro-West sentiment during the Cold War to the post-9/11 campaign to "win the hearts and minds" of the Muslim world. Editors Nancy Snow and Philip Taylor...

Room Acoustics
Room Acoustics
We all know that a concert hall, theatre, lecture room or a church may have good or poor ‘acoustics’. As far as speech in these rooms is concerned, it is relatively simple to make some sort of judgement on their quality by rating the ease with which the spoken word is understood. However, judging the acoustics of a concert hall or an...
Refurbishment and Upgrading of Buildings: .
Refurbishment and Upgrading of Buildings: .
...I can recommend the book as good reading for students of surveying and architecture, for developers and for those involve with refurbishment of historic buildings..
–Dr. Jagjit Singh, Director, Environmental Building Solutions Ltd, Journal of Architectural Conservation No. 3, November 2001

Managing knowledge in the construction industry (Spon Research)
Managing knowledge in the construction industry (Spon Research)
Knowledge management presents a new way of understanding organizations and companies, and is especially suited to sophisticated and highly technical firms and operations such as those in the construction industry.

This new book draws on hard data from three separate research programs in Sweden and shows how the concept of knowledge can
Technology, Design and Process Innovation in the Built Environment (Spon Research)
Technology, Design and Process Innovation in the Built Environment (Spon Research)
Buildings and infrastructure represent principal assets of any national economy as well as prime sources of environmental degradation. Making them more sustainable represents a key challenge for the construction, planning and design industries and governments at all levels; and the rapid urbanisation of the 21st century has turned this...
Underwater Acoustic Modeling: Principles, techniques and applications
Underwater Acoustic Modeling: Principles, techniques and applications
The subject of underwater acoustic modeling deals with the translation of our physical understanding of sound in the sea into mathematical formulas solvable by computers. This book divides the subject of underwater acoustic modeling into three fundamental aspects: the physical principles used to formulate underwater acoustic models; the...
Engineering Noise Control: Theory and Practice
Engineering Noise Control: Theory and Practice
Although this fourth edition follows the same basic style and format as the first, second and third editions, the content has been considerably updated and expanded, yet again. This is partly in response to significant advances in the practice of acoustics and in the associated technology during the six years since the third edition and partly in...
Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook
Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook
Since the last edition appeared under the Viewpoint imprint of the Cement and Concrete Association, this Handbook has been in the ownership of two new publishers. I am delighted that it has now joined the catalogue of engineering books published by Spon, one of the most respected names in technical publishing in the world, and that its success is...
Light and Dark: An exploration in science, nature, art and technology
Light and Dark: An exploration in science, nature, art and technology
Encourages us to take a more careful look at many familiar phenomena, such as the variations in the duration of twilight through the year and the ability of human vision to misinterpret patterns of lines under certain conditions. Aims to be entertaining, instructive, diverse and unusual. Softcover.

In December 2001 Martin Creed was
Photographic Possibilities, Third Edition: The Expressive Use of Equipment, Ideas, Materials, and Processes
Photographic Possibilities, Third Edition: The Expressive Use of Equipment, Ideas, Materials, and Processes

Photographic Possibilities, Third Edition is a marvelously updated resource of innovative and traditional photographic processes that imagemakers have come to trust and depend on to enhance their technical knowledge, create astonishing pictures, and raise their visual consciousness.

This concise and reliable handbook provides

Statistically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations
Statistically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations

Statistically Speaking is a book of quotations. It has, for the first time, brought together in one easily accessible form the best expressed thoughts that are especially illuminating and pertinent to the disciplines of probability and statistics. Some of the quotations are profound, others are wise, some are witty, but none are frivolous....

Information Retrieval Interaction
Information Retrieval Interaction

Information retrieval covers the problems relating to the effective storage, access, and searching of information required by individuals. Currently, information is continuing to grow exponentially, diversifying into many forms and media. In this complex retrieval labyrinth there is a definite need for increased effort aimed at tailoring IR...

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