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Learn iOS 8 App Development
Learn iOS 8 App Development

Learn iOS 8 App Development is both a rapid tutorial and a useful reference. You'll quickly get up to speed with Swift (Apple's powerful new programming language), Cocoa Touch, and the iOS 8 SDK. It's an all-in-one getting started guide to building useful apps. You'll learn best practices that ensure your code will be...

Learn Android App Development
Learn Android App Development

Learn Android App Development is a hands-on tutorial and useful reference. You'll quickly get up to speed and master the Android SDK and the Java that you need for your Android Apps.

The Android SDK offers powerful features, and this book is the fastest path to mastering them—and the rest of the Andorid...

Kindle Fire: Out of the Box
Kindle Fire: Out of the Box
Since the release of the original iPad, Apple has dominated the tablet market. With Apple’s characteristically sleek styling, attention to user experience, and marketing savvy, it’s no surprise that the field has been the iPad versus everyone else. Until now.

Though it’s been the undisputed king of
Pro Android Games
Pro Android Games

In the last few years, Android has progressed with the debut of better fonts, new User Interface and Experience (UI/UX) APIs, tablet considerations, multi-touch capabilities, multi-tasking, faster performance, improved battery management techniques, and now Google TV Android Apps for the Android game...

Java Examples in a Nutshell: A Tutorial Companion to Java in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))
Java Examples in a Nutshell: A Tutorial Companion to Java in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))

Java Examples in a Nutshell is full of real-world Java programming examples. The second edition of this bestselling book covers Java 1.3 and contains 164 complete, practical programs: over 17,900 lines of densely commented, professionally written Java code covering 20 distinct Java APIs, including Servlets, JavaServer Pages,...

Pro Android Games
Pro Android Games

Combining actionable, real-world source code with graphics, Pro Android Games, Third Edition shows you how to build more sophisticated and addictive Android game apps with minimum effort. Harness the power of the latest Android 5.0 SDK to bring countless legendary, action-packed PC games to the Android platform.


Multiresonator-Based Chipless RFID: Barcode of the Future
Multiresonator-Based Chipless RFID: Barcode of the Future

This vital new resource offers engineers and researchers a window on important new technology that will supersede the barcode and is destined to change the face of logistics and product data handling. In the last two decades, radio-frequency identification has grown fast, with accelerated take-up of RFID into the mainstream through its...

MBA in a Nutshell: The Classic Accelerated Learner Program
MBA in a Nutshell: The Classic Accelerated Learner Program

Master MBA key concepts without stepping foot in a classroom

Save yourself the thousands of dollars it cost for an MBA education. Dr. Milo Sobel presents core concepts taught in prestigious MBA programs such as Harvard, Wharton, and Stanford―without the heavy price tag and heavier classroom hours.

With MBA...

OpenGL Data Visualization Cookbook
OpenGL Data Visualization Cookbook

Over 35 hands-on recipes to create impressive, stunning visuals for a wide range of real-time, interactive applications using OpenGL

About This Book

  • Get acquainted with a set of fundamental OpenGL primitives and concepts that enable users to create stunning visuals of arbitrarily complex 2D and 3D...
Modern Techniques and Solvents for the Extraction of Microbial Oils (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science)
Modern Techniques and Solvents for the Extraction of Microbial Oils (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science)

A valuable reference presenting many processes that facilitate lipid extraction from micro-organisms. Amongst the techniques included are Folch, Bligh and Dyer methods, and the Soxhlet technique as well as intensified green processes (ultrasound, microwave, supercritical fluid extraction, agro-solvent, accelerated solvent extraction,...

Accelerated Financial Closing with SAP
Accelerated Financial Closing with SAP

Navigate the complex financial close process and learn how to address regulatory requirements, manage disclosure management, and report results to key stakeholders. Written for business process owners, finance directors, and managers, this book will teach you how to optimize the financial close process within your organization. Develop a...

Java in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition
Java in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition

Java just keeps growing, adding features, functionality, complexity, and tempting developers to growl with frustration. The new 1.4 release of Java 2 Standard edition increases the size of the platform by 50%, to 2757 classes in 135 packages. How are you going to figure out what this means for your applications? As always, Java in...

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