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Computer Performance Engineering: 6th European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2009 London
Computer Performance Engineering: 6th European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2009 London
This volume of LNCS contains the proceedings of the 6th European Performance Engineering Workshop, held at Imperial College London during July 9–10, 2009. This was the first in the EPEW series to be held in the UK, following on from the highly successful workshops that were held in Toledo (2004), Versailles (2005),...
Unconventional Computation: 10th International Conference, UC 2011, Turku, Finland, June 6-10
Unconventional Computation: 10th International Conference, UC 2011, Turku, Finland, June 6-10

The 10th International Conference on Unconventional Computation, UC 2011, was organized under the auspices of EATCS and Academia Europaea, by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Turku (Turku, Finland), and the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (Auckland, New Zealand). The event was held in...

Beginning Android Tablet Application Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Android Tablet Application Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

I FIRST STARTED PLAYING WITH THE ANDROID SDK before it was offi cially released as a 1.0 release. Back then, the tools were unpolished, the APIs in the SDK were unstable, and the documentation was sparse. Fast forward two and a half years, Android is now a formidable mobile operating system, with a following no less impressive that the...

Nanometer CMOS RFICs for Mobile TV Applications (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)
Nanometer CMOS RFICs for Mobile TV Applications (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)

People often ask me why I chose to publish this work. Primarily, this book was motivated by my experience in industry after having been in the academic world for many years. We often hear about the need to bridge the gap between industry and academia, but one can easily intellectually understand something without having experienced it...

Wireless Communications (Wiley - IEEE)
Wireless Communications (Wiley - IEEE)

"Professor Andreas F. Molisch, renowned researcher and educator, has put together the comprehensive book, Wireless Communications. The second edition, which includes a wealth of new material on important topics, ensures the role of the text as the key resource for every student, researcher, and practitioner in the...

Portable Electronics Product Design & Development : For Cellular Phones, PDAs, Digital Cameras, Personal Electronics and more
Portable Electronics Product Design & Development : For Cellular Phones, PDAs, Digital Cameras, Personal Electronics and more

To be successful, the portable electronic designer must view the prod- uct design process as a part of a broader process of product development. While the insights and creativity of the individual designer are critical in creating a successful product, the designer must be prepared to engage through every phase of product development...

Automata, Languages and Programming: 38th International Colloquium, ICALP 2011, Zurich, Switzerland
Automata, Languages and Programming: 38th International Colloquium, ICALP 2011, Zurich, Switzerland

ICALP 2011, the 38th edition of the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, was held in Z¨urich, Switzerland, during July 4–8, 2011. ICALP is a series of annual conferences of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) which first took place in 1972. This year, the ICALP...

Architecture-Based Design of Multi-Agent Systems
Architecture-Based Design of Multi-Agent Systems

One of the most important things an architect can do is reflection. That is, examine systems, organizations, people and ask “What alternatives were considered and why was that particular decision made?” Thinking about the response gives an architect insight into the motivations and decision processes that others have used...

Mobile Broadcasting with WiMAX: Principles, Technology, and Applications
Mobile Broadcasting with WiMAX: Principles, Technology, and Applications
This book is exclusively dedicated to WiMAX. The focus of the book is on the applications of WiMAX networks, with delivery of multimedia content to wireless and mobile devices being the area of greatest attention. WiMAX has crossed a number of major milestones in the recent past. These include setting standards, adopting...
Cell Biology, Second Edition
Cell Biology, Second Edition

Biology is based on the fundamental laws of nature embodied in chemistry and physics, but the origin and evolution of life on earth were historical events. This makes biology more like astronomy than like chemistry and physics. Neither the organization of the universe nor life as we know it had to evolve as it did. Chance played a central...

Connections for the Digital Age: Multimedia Communications for Mobile, Nomadic and Fixed Devices
Connections for the Digital Age: Multimedia Communications for Mobile, Nomadic and Fixed Devices

Explores and analyzes past and current technologies and trends in multimedia communication

Digital natives—those persons born in the digital age—have an ever-widening range of wireless-enabled devices at their disposal. They are the drivers of multimedia communications, continually seeking out the technologies...

Microfluidics for Biotechnology (Microelectromechanical Systems)
Microfluidics for Biotechnology (Microelectromechanical Systems)
Since the concept of the first DNA biochip, biotechnologies have soared, deeply changing the world of biology. In fact, they have already had direct implications on each of us. Since the very beginning of this science in the 1980s, spectacular advances have been made, such as the analysis of the human DNA genome sequence, while...
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