 The Handbook of Advanced Materials: Enabling New Designs
The use of improved materials enables engineers to design new and better products and processes. Benefits include increased sales of improved products and, where new materials are used in manufacturing, reduced plant cost. Society benefits through the use of improved products that use these new materials.
Sophisticated new... |  |  Climate Change: Biological and Human Aspects
In recent years climate change has become recognized as the foremost environmental problem of the twenty-first century. Not only will climate change potentially affect the multi-billion dollar energy strategies of countries worldwide, but it also could seriously affect many species, including our own. A fascinating introduction to the... |  |  The Nutritionist: Food, Nutrition, and Optimal Health, 2nd Edition
Now in an updated and expanded new edition, The Nutritionist: Food, Nutrition, and Optimal Health, 2nd Edition, provides readers with vital information about how to simply but radically improve their daily lives with the science of nutrition, balance their diets to achieve more energy, and improve health and longevity.
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