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Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences (Aegean Conferences)
Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences (Aegean Conferences)
From June 12-16, 2006 over eighty scientists from around the world gathered in Rhodes, Greece to attend the conference “20 Years of Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences”. The editors of this book organized the conference. It was sponsored by Aegean Conferences and was endorsed by the American Meteorological Society and...
Learning Rails 3
Learning Rails 3
Everyone cool seems to agree: Ruby on Rails is an amazing way to build web applications. Ruby is a powerful and flexible programming language, and Rails takes advantage of that flexibility to build a web application framework that takes care of a tremendous amount of work for the developer. Everything sounds great!...
The Accessibility Handbook
The Accessibility Handbook
Many people ask me how a developer who was working on the back-end for websites got involved in accessibility. After all, it wasn’t technically a part of my job description. It wasn’t going to make our sites faster (though I later found out it could have that side affect). I didn’t have a...
Deploying with JRuby: Deliver Scalable Web Apps using the JVM (Pragmatic Programmers)
Deploying with JRuby: Deliver Scalable Web Apps using the JVM (Pragmatic Programmers)
Your website has just crashed, and you’re losing money. The application is built on Rails, runs on MRI, and is served up with Mongrel and Apache. Having this kind of infrastructure means that you’re managing more processes than you can count on two hands.

The background jobs are run
The Official Ubuntu Book (7th Edition)
The Official Ubuntu Book (7th Edition)

Ubuntu is a complete, free operating system that emphasizes ease of use, community, and support while enhancing speed, power, and flexibility. It is designed for everyone from computer novices to experts.

This title serves a wide audience: novices who just want to test the waters and give Ubuntu a try,...

iOS 5 Programming Pushing the Limits: Developing Extraordinary Mobile Apps for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
iOS 5 Programming Pushing the Limits: Developing Extraordinary Mobile Apps for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
Apple has a history of alternating its releases between user-focus and developer-focus. The good news about iOS 5 is that it's all about the developers. The addition of Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) alone is worth the upgrade for developers. In one move, Apple has eliminated the number one cause of crashes in iOS applications,...
Introducing Starling
Introducing Starling

Starling is an ActionScript 3 2D framework developed on top of the Stage3D APIs (available on desktop in Flash Player 11 and Adobe AIR 3). Starling is mainly designed for game development, but could be used for many other use cases....

3ds Max 2012 Bible
3ds Max 2012 Bible
Every time I enter the computer room (which my wife calls the dungeon), my wife still says that I am off to my “fun and games.” I, as always, flatly deny this accusation, saying that it is serious work that I am involved in. But later, when I emerge with a twinkle in my eye and excitedly ask her to take a look at my...
iOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more
iOS 5 Core Frameworks: Develop and Design: Working with graphics, location, iCloud, and more

Everyone seems to have an opinion as to why their favorite mobile platform is better than the others. Some prefer iOS, others choose Android—each platform has its pros and cons. For me, however, iOS stands above the rest in large part due to its use of powerful native frameworks.

Sure, frameworks and...

Essential Windows Phone 7.5: Application Development with Silverlight (Microsoft Windows Development Series)
Essential Windows Phone 7.5: Application Development with Silverlight (Microsoft Windows Development Series)
I have never owned a PalmPilot. But I have owned palmtops and smartphones. I dived into writing software for a plethora of different devices but never got very far. My problem was that the story of getting software onto the phones was chaotic and I didn’t see how the marketing of software for phones would lead to a...
Sams Teach Yourself Google+ in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself -- Minutes)
Sams Teach Yourself Google+ in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself -- Minutes)

Sams Teach Yourself Google™+ in 10 Minutes gives you straightforward, practical answers when you need fast results. Work through its 10-minute lessons to jumpstart your Google+ experience...and then use today’s hottest social network to connect with everyone and everything you care about!  

Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications
Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications
Seven years have passed since the publication of the previous edition of this book. During that time, sensor technologies have made a remarkable leap forward. The sensitivity of the sensors became higher, the dimensions became smaller, the selectivity became better, and the prices became lower. What have not changed are the...
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