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Chemical Engineering Volume 2, Fifth Edition (Chemical Engineering Series)
Chemical Engineering Volume 2, Fifth Edition (Chemical Engineering Series)

Chemical Engineering Volume 2 covers the properties of particulate systems, including the character of individual particles and their behaviour in fluids. Sedimentation of particles, both singly and at high concentrations, flow in packed and fluidised beads and filtration are then examined. The latter part of the book deals with separation...

Chromatography for Sustainable Polymeric Materials: Renewable, Degradable and Recyclable
Chromatography for Sustainable Polymeric Materials: Renewable, Degradable and Recyclable

Polymericmaterials, both “inert” and degradable, constantly interact with the surroundings. Because of this interaction changes take place in the polymer matrix and small molecules are released to the environment. Reliable methods for testing biodegradability and environmental interaction of renewable resources and...

Air Pollution Science for the 21st Century, Volume 1 (Developments in Environmental Science)
Air Pollution Science for the 21st Century, Volume 1 (Developments in Environmental Science)

Acid rain, ozone photochemistry, long-range transport of pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions and aerosols dominated tropospheric air pollution research in the last 30 years of the 20^^ century. At the start of the 2V^ century, acid rain is subject to planned improvement in Europe and North America, but is a growing problem in Asia....

Electro-Optics Handbook
Electro-Optics Handbook

It’s often difficult to predict which areas of a field will become rejuvenated and grow rapidly or spin off to fit with another to form something new. The field of electro-optics is also unpredictable, but currently it has numerous forces acting on it. First is the development of new optical sources such as ultrafast lasers and fiber...

The Thermophysics of Porous Media
The Thermophysics of Porous Media

Models for the mechanical behavior of porous media introduced more than 50 years ago are still relied upon today, but more recent work shows that, in some cases, they may violate the laws of thermodynamics. In The Thermophysics of Porous Media, the author shows that physical consistency requires a unique description of dynamic processes that...

Electronics Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects
Electronics Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects
Electronic Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects was created as a voyage of discover}* for children, adults, science buffs, and for those curious at heart of all ages. This book was designed to provide a spark for the curiosity seeker, as well as to inspire curious children, students, and adults alike toward experimentation...
More Time for You: A Powerful System to Organize Your Work and Get Things Done
More Time for You: A Powerful System to Organize Your Work and Get Things Done
The bane of my existence has always been the management (or in my case, the mismanagement) of time. I have struggled with finding time to ‘‘do it all.’’ In high school and college, I was notorious for pulling all-nighters to study or write papers (a habit I have not outgrown). When I started my career, I...
Nitric Oxide Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
Nitric Oxide Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
It has been more than five years since the appearance of the first edition of Nitric Oxide Protocols. According to Medline, more than 32,500 publications dealing with nitric oxide have appeared in the primary literature in the intervening time from 1999 to April 2004. These numbers attest to the continuing vitality of a field...
Fiber Optic Sensors, Second Edition (Optical Science and Engineering)
Fiber Optic Sensors, Second Edition (Optical Science and Engineering)
In recent years, fiber optic sensors have developed from the laboratory research and development stage to practical applications. The market for fiber optic sensor technology may be divided into two broad categories of sensors: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic sensors are used in medicine, defense, and aerospace applications,...
Powder Surface Area and Porosity (Environmental Resource Management Series)
Powder Surface Area and Porosity (Environmental Resource Management Series)
The rapid growth of interest in powders and their surface properties in many diverse industries prompted the writing of this book for those who have the need to make meaningful measurements without the benefit of years of experience. It is intended as an introduction to some of the elementary theory and experimental methods...
Melt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems (Developments in Volcanology)
Melt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems (Developments in Volcanology)
From September 264 to 30 th, 2002, a group of researchers met at Seiano di Vico Equense, on the Sorrento Peninsula, Italy, to participate in the "Workshop-Short Course on Volcanic Systems. Gecx:hcmical and Geophysical Monitoring. Melt Inclusions: Methods, Applications and Problems", sponsored by the Istituto Nazionalr di...
Hoax of the Twentieth Century
Hoax of the Twentieth Century

Professor A. R. Butz was the first (and so far the only) writer to treat the entire Holocaust complex from the Revisionist perspective, in a precise scientific manner. This book exhibits the overwhelming force of historical and logical arguments which Revisionism had accumulated by the middle of the 70s. This new edition comes with several...

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