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Beginning Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

TO THOSE OF US WHO PAY ATTENTION to such things, the world of software development has changed a lot in the last few years. In the .NET world, Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2010 is undoubtedly the most successful development environment. Since the release of the fi rst .NET version in February 2002, this product has undergone dramatic...

International Marketing
International Marketing
Thank you for reading our book! Practicing international marketing and writing a text on the subject have much in common. The focus is on delighting the customer; it is a lot of work; the competition is tough; and it’s fun to succeed. It is therefore with great pleasure that we present the eighth edition of International...
Visual Basic 2012 Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2012 Programmer's Reference
IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT SIR ISAAC NEWTON was the last person to know everything. He was an accomplished physicist (his three laws of motion were the basis of classical mechanics, which defi ned astrophysics for three centuries), mathematician (he was one of the inventors of calculus and developed Newton’s Method for fi nding...
Enterprise Software Delivery: Bringing Agility and Efficiency to the Global Software Supply Chain
Enterprise Software Delivery: Bringing Agility and Efficiency to the Global Software Supply Chain

Globalization, rapid technology churn, and massive economic shifts have made it more difficult than ever to deliver high-value enterprise software.


In Enterprise Software Delivery, IBM Distinguished Engineer Alan W. Brown guides...

PayPal APIs: Up and Running
PayPal APIs: Up and Running
There has never been a better time to have a keen interest in commerce. The Web has truly accelerated globalization and connected us all through a common network. Information can now be shared at mind-boggling rates, and entrepreneurs everywhere can truly reach a global audience if they’re clever (and...
Programming Windows
Programming Windows

NOTE: This book is based on Windows 8 Release Preview; its content and publication date will be updated for final Windows 8 software.

Reimagined for full-screen and touch-optimized apps, Windows 8 provides a platform for reaching new users in new ways. In response, programming legend Charles Petzold is rewriting his...

Applied Semantic Web Technologies
Applied Semantic Web Technologies
Since Tim Berners-Lee’s original idea for a global system of interlinked hypertext documents from 1989, the World Wide Web has grown into the world’s biggest pool of human knowledge. Over the past few years, the Web has changed the way people communicate and exchange information. It has created new business...
ASP.NET jQuery Cookbook
ASP.NET jQuery Cookbook

The jQuery library has become increasingly popular with web application developers because of its simplicity and ease of use. The library is supported by an active community of developers and has grown significantly over the years after its inception in 2006 by John Resig. Using this library eases complicated tasks and adds to the interactive...

China's Automotive Modernization: The Party-State and Multinational Corporations (International Political Economy)
China's Automotive Modernization: The Party-State and Multinational Corporations (International Political Economy)
China’s automotive industry has changed profoundly in the 11 years since I started the research for this book. This study focuses on how industrial modernization in the country’s leading automotive production centers, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Changchun, Hubei province, and Tianjin has generated lasting changes of...
Neoliberalism: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
Neoliberalism: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

The 21st-century world is a fundamentally interdependent place. Globalization has expanded, intensified, and accelerated social relations across world-time and world-space. The digital revolution has served as a catalyst for the creation of sprawling information and communication networks that enmesh individuals, states, and businesses alike....

Cost Management: Accounting and Control, 6th Edition
Cost Management: Accounting and Control, 6th Edition
Over the past twenty years, changes in the business environment have profoundly affected cost accounting and cost management. A few examples of these changes are an increased emphasis on providing value to customers, total quality management, time as a competitive element, advances in information and manufacturing technology,...
Practical System Reliability
Practical System Reliability

THE RISE OF THE INTERNET, sophisticated computing and communications technologies, and globalization have raised customers’ expectations of powerful “always on” services. A crucial characteristic of these “always on” services is that they are highly available; if the customer cannot get a search result,...

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