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Mastering OpenCV 4 with Python: A practical guide covering topics from image processing, augmented reality to deep learning with OpenCV 4 and Python 3.7
Mastering OpenCV 4 with Python: A practical guide covering topics from image processing, augmented reality to deep learning with OpenCV 4 and Python 3.7

Create advanced applications with Python and OpenCV, exploring the potential of facial recognition, machine learning, deep learning, web computing and augmented reality.

Key Features

  • Develop your computer vision skills by mastering algorithms in Open Source Computer Vision 4 (OpenCV 4)and...
Mathematical Statistics with Applications
Mathematical Statistics with Applications
This textbook is of an interdisciplinary nature and is designed for a two- or one-semester course in probability and statistics, with basic calculus as a prerequisite. The book is primarily written to give a sound theoretical introduction to statistics while emphasizing applications. If teaching statistics is the main purpose of a...
Contrast Agents III: Radiopharmaceuticals - From Diagnostics to Therapeutics (Topics in Current Chemistry) (v. 3)
Contrast Agents III: Radiopharmaceuticals - From Diagnostics to Therapeutics (Topics in Current Chemistry) (v. 3)
It is the objective of this review to introduce the reader to the current status of organometallic chemistry, oriented towards the development of novel 99mTc-based imaging agents. This type of inorganic chemistry has nowadays become part of so-called bioorganometallic chemistry.

The article describes the current
Clinical Neuroanatomy
Clinical Neuroanatomy

The brain, more complex than any computer that has ever been invented, is a unique and special organ: It is what makes us human. The science of the brain—neuroscience—has emerged as one of the most exciting fields of research and now occupies a central role as a substrate for clinical medicine. At the heart of...

Pa-Kua: Chinese Boxing for Fitness & Self-Defense
Pa-Kua: Chinese Boxing for Fitness & Self-Defense

Originally published in 1967, Pa-Kua was the West’s first look into the esoteric Chinese martial arts. It has been a valued and sought after text ever since. It was put out of print in the 1970s, but since that time interest in the martial arts have continued to skyrocket. Pa-Kua gives an introduction to the little known...

The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
The Princeton Companion to Mathematics

This is a one-of-a-kind reference for anyone with a serious interest in mathematics. Edited by Timothy Gowers, a recipient of the Fields Medal, it presents nearly two hundred entries, written especially for this book by some of the world's leading mathematicians, that introduce basic mathematical tools and vocabulary; trace the...

Handbook of Transcription Factor NF-kappaB
Handbook of Transcription Factor NF-kappaB

Recent evidence proving the molecular link between unchecked, chronic inflammation and cancer has implicated the transcription factor NF-kB as a key factor in both inhibiting apoptosis and promoting cell proliferation. Since its initial identification 20 years ago as a simple regulating factor in one small part of the immune response, NF-kB...

Synthetic Multivalent Molecules: Concepts and Biomedical Applications
Synthetic Multivalent Molecules: Concepts and Biomedical Applications
This book presents basic and advanced principles underlying the multivalent interactions that are prevalent in biological systems. To illustrate important or complex concepts, the book provides up-to-date examples of synthetic multivalent molecules, their design, and their biological benefits. Functional roles displayed by such...
Emerging Technologies in Surgery
Emerging Technologies in Surgery
Tremendous acceleration and changes in our daily medical practice are occurring. Both as doctors and ordinary citizens, we are aware of living in a world more and more inuenced by information technology. In surgery, this revolution has brought about a dramatic acceleration of the introduction of new devices,...
Barrier Systems for Environmental Contaminant Containment and Treatment
Barrier Systems for Environmental Contaminant Containment and Treatment

Containment and permeable reactive barriers have come full circle as an acceptable environmental control technology during the past 30 years. As interest shifted back toward containment in the 1990s, the industry found itself relying largely on pre-1980s technology. Fortunately, in the past 10 years important advances have occurred in several...

Thermodynamics of Biochemical Reactions
Thermodynamics of Biochemical Reactions
This book is about the thermodynamics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions that make up the metabolism of living organisms. It is not an introductory text, but the fundamental principles of thermodynamics are reviewed. The reader does need some background in thermodynamics, such as that provided by a first course in physical...
Survey of Operating Systems
Survey of Operating Systems

Holcombe, "Survey of Operating Systems, 3e" is 'your foundation for IT Success!' McGraw-Hill is proud to introduce the third edition of Jane and Charles Holcombe's, "Survey of Operating Systems". This edition is a unique revision of the successful previous editions. Every chapter has been updated to include...

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