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XNA Game Studio 4.0 for Xbox 360 Developers
XNA Game Studio 4.0 for Xbox 360 Developers

Discover how to create exciting and challenging games for the Xbox 360 using XNA Game Studio 4.0 and the Visual C# programming language. XNA Game Studio 4.0 for Xbox 360 Developers provides experienced game developers with a comprehensive overview of the XNA Framework, providing all the tools,...

Beginning Android 4 Games Development (Beginning Apress)
Beginning Android 4 Games Development (Beginning Apress)

Hi there, and welcome to the world of Android game development. You came here to learn about game development on Android, and we hope to be the people who enable you to realize your ideas.

Together we’ll cover quite a range of materials and topics: Android basics, audio and graphics programming, a
Learning Cocos2D: A Hands-On Guide to Building iOS Games with Cocos2D, Box2D, and Chipmunk
Learning Cocos2D: A Hands-On Guide to Building iOS Games with Cocos2D, Box2D, and Chipmunk

So you want to be a game developer?

Developing games for the iPhone or iPad can be a lot of fun. It is one of the few things we can do to feel like a kid again. Everyone, it seems, has an idea for a game, and what better platform to develop for than the iPhone and iPad?

What stops most people from actually developing...

101 Windows Phone 7 Apps, Volume I: Developing Apps 1-50
101 Windows Phone 7 Apps, Volume I: Developing Apps 1-50



Got a great idea for an app? There’s a chapter for that!


Calling all developers: Windows Phone 7 is starting to gain...

Fuzzy Logic and Probability Applications: A Practical Guide
Fuzzy Logic and Probability Applications: A Practical Guide

Probability theory and fuzzy logic are the principal components of an array of methodologies for dealing with problems in which uncertainty and imprecision play important roles. In relation to probability theory, fuzzy logic is a new kid on the block. As such, it has been and continues to be, though to a lesser degree, an object of...

WordPress 3 Ultimate Security
WordPress 3 Ultimate Security

Most likely, today, some hacker tried to crack your WordPress site, its data and content. Maybe that was just a one-off from some bored kid. Just as likely, it was an automated hit, trying dozens of attacks to find a soft spot. Then again, quite likely it was both.

Whether you've been successfully hacked already, else...

Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd Edition
Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd Edition

There are two kinds of cryptography in this world: cryptography that will stop your kid sister from reading your files, and cryptography that will stop major governments from reading your files. This book is about the latter.

If I take a letter, lock it in a safe, hide the safe somewhere in New York, then tell you to read the...

Drupal For Dummies
Drupal For Dummies

Welcome to the first edition of Drupal For Dummies, the book written especially for people who want to have their own Web sites but haven’t a clue about how to start or where to begin.

Are you frustrated because the kid next door has five Web sites to your none? Are you tired of trying to find someone to build your site...

Game Coding Complete, Third Edition
Game Coding Complete, Third Edition

I had been playing the Ultima series of games by Richard Garriott since I was in high school, and I was a die-hard fan. Every game he published, I played all the way through, from Ultima I on the Apple ][ to Ultima V on the IBM PC. Ultima VI came out right as I graduated from college, and I noticed that the contact information for Origin...

Bike Repair & Maintenance For Dummies
Bike Repair & Maintenance For Dummies

Welcome to Bike Repair & Maintenance For Dummies, where the often confusing and complex world of caring for your bike just got a whole lot easier. We’ve written this book to tell you not only what your bike needs  to stay in great condition but also how to take care of the repair and maintenanceyourself. It doesn’t matter...

Mafiaboy: How I Cracked the Internet and Why It's Still Broken
Mafiaboy: How I Cracked the Internet and Why It's Still Broken

I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.

"HOT ON THE TRAIL OF 'MAFIABOY" read a headline on technology news site Wired.com on February 15,...

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Acting
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Acting

In Henry Fielding’s great novel Tom Jones, the young hero and his friend Partridge go to see a production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet—a play that had been around for less than 50 years at that point. Partridge, always opinionated and usually wrong, is not impressed by the actor playing Hamlet: “Why, I could act as well as...

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