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Compiler Specification and Verification (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Compiler Specification and Verification (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

About four years ago David Luckham hinted to me the possibility of verifying a "real" compiler. At that time the idea seemed unrealistic, even absurd. After looking closer at the problem and getting more familiar with the possibilities of the Stanford verifier a verified compiler appeared not so impossible after all. In...

Race, Class, and the Death Penalty: Capital Punishment in American History
Race, Class, and the Death Penalty: Capital Punishment in American History

No scholarly effort is ever conducted without heavy indebtedness to others. This is particularly true of efforts that rest as heavily as this one does upon data collection efforts carried out by others. Our largest debt is, of course, to M. Watt Espy. Without his continuing effort, this study would have been impossible. We are profoundly...

Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the Making of Heritage
Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and the Making of Heritage

Dictionaries tell stories of many kinds. The history of dictionaries, of how they were produced, published and used, has much to tell us about the language and the culture of the past. This monumental work of scholarship draws on published and archival material to survey a wide range of dictionaries of western European languages (including...

Adaptive High-Resolution Sensor Waveform Design for Tracking
Adaptive High-Resolution Sensor Waveform Design for Tracking

Recent innovations in modern radar for designing transmitted waveforms, coupled with new algorithms for adaptively selecting the waveform parameters at each time step, have resulted in improvements in tracking performance. Of particular interest are waveforms that can be mathematically designed to have reduced ambiguity function sidelobes, as...

Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory (2nd Edition)
Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory (2nd Edition)

Few people ever read a preface, and those who do often just glance at the first few lines. So we begin by answering the question most frequently asked by the readers of our manuscript: "What does [BB] mean?" Like most undergraduate texts in mathematics these days, answers to some of our exercises appear at the back of the book....

News 2.0 Can journalism survive the Internet?
News 2.0 Can journalism survive the Internet?

The bulk of this book was written over a period of two years between the middle of 2008 and April 2010. In that time the world’s media systems were caught up in a massive vortex of uncertainty and change. News 2.0 captures the flavour of that period and sets it against an historical background. In short: Where did the news media’s...

Integrated Circuit and System Design. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation
Integrated Circuit and System Design. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation

Welcome to the proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Power and TimingModeling, Optimization and Simulations, PATMOS 2010. Over the years, PATMOS has evolved into an important European event, where researchers from both industry and academia discuss and investigate the emerging challenges in future and contemporary applications,...

Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering
Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering

"Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering, 7/E" presents an excellent introduction to software engineering fundamentals, covering both traditional and object-oriented techniques. The coverage of both Agile processes and Open Source Software has been considerably expanded. In addition, the Osbert Oglesby running case study...

Document Security: Protecting Physical and Electronic Content
Document Security: Protecting Physical and Electronic Content

Several electronic layers exist in most documents, a fact overlooked by many writers. Probing these sublayers often reveals information not intended for release by the author. Documents in electronic formats create a “palimpsest” that even semiskilled investigators can probe for sensitive data.

Palimpsest seems...

Joomla! Explained: Your Step-by-Step Guide (Joomla! Press)
Joomla! Explained: Your Step-by-Step Guide (Joomla! Press)

This book was written for my Dad and for people like you.

I teach Joomla! classes all across the United States and talk with people like you who have tried to learn Joomla and other software.

They order books, watch videos, read online documentation, and go to other classes. Many are frustrated and say the same...

Algorithmic Randomness and Complexity (Theory and Applications of Computability)
Algorithmic Randomness and Complexity (Theory and Applications of Computability)

Though we did not know it at the time, this book’s genesis began with the arrival of Cris Calude in New Zealand. Cris has always had an intense interest in algorithmic information theory. The event that led to much of the recent research presented here was the articulation by Cris of a seemingly innocuous question. This question...

The NURBS Book (Monographs in Visual Communication)
The NURBS Book (Monographs in Visual Communication)

The second, revised edition of this book covers all aspects of non-uniform rational B-splines necessary to design geometry in a computer-aided environment. Basic B-spline features, curve and surface algorithms, and state-of-the-art geometry tools are all discussed. Detailed code for design algorithms and computational tricks are covered, too,...

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