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Sensors Handbook
Sensors Handbook

Complete, State-of-the-Art Coverage of Sensor Technologies and Applications

Fully revised with the latest breakthroughs in integrated sensors and control systems, Sensors Handbook, Second Edition provides all of the information needed to select the optimum sensor for any type of application, including engineering,...

Integrated Circuit and System Design. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation
Integrated Circuit and System Design. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation

Welcome to the proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Power and TimingModeling, Optimization and Simulations, PATMOS 2010. Over the years, PATMOS has evolved into an important European event, where researchers from both industry and academia discuss and investigate the emerging challenges in future and contemporary applications,...

Solar Power for Your Home (Green Guru Guides)
Solar Power for Your Home (Green Guru Guides)

Easy, inexpensive, do-it-yourself solar energy projects

Featuring step-by-step instructions and useful photos and illustrations, this hands-on guide is filled with solar energy solutions you can put to use right away. Solar Power for Your Home shows you how to set up a variety of simple, money-saving solar projects quickly...

Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry
Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry
Nanotechnology is almost a household word now-a-days, or at least some word with ‘‘nano’’ in it, such as nanoscale, nanoparticle, nanophase, nanocrystal, or nanomachine. This field now enjoys worldwide attention and a National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is about to be launched.

Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Everything that surrounds us is matter. The origin of the word matter is mater (Latin) or matri (Sanskrit), for mother. In this sense, human beings anthropomorphized that which made them possible – that which gave them nourishment. Every scientific discipline concerns itself with matter. Of all matter surrounding us, a...
Microscale Diagnostic Techniques
Microscale Diagnostic Techniques
The fields of micro- and nanotechnology have emerged over the past decade as a major focus of modern scientific and engineering research and technology. Driven by advances in microfabrication, the investigation, manipulation and engineering of systems characterized by micrometer and, more recently, nanometer scales has become...
Micromechanical Photonics (Microtechnology and MEMS)
Micromechanical Photonics (Microtechnology and MEMS)
The recent remarkable development of microsystems dates back to 1983 when Richard P. Feynman of California University delivered a speech to a large audience of scientists and engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He presented the concept of sacrificed etchingto fabricate a silicon micromotor, and pointed out the need for...
BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology
BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology
Numerous miniaturized DNA microarray, DNA chip, Lab on a Chip and biosensor devices have been developed and commercialized. Such devices are improving theway many important genomic and proteomic analyses are performed in both research and clinical diagnostic laboratories. The development of these technologies was enabled by a...
Nanostructured Polymer Blends, Volume 1 (Micro and Nano Technologies)
Nanostructured Polymer Blends, Volume 1 (Micro and Nano Technologies)

Over 30% of commercial polymers are blends or alloys or one kind or another. Nanostructured blends offer the scientist or plastics engineer a new range of possibilities with characteristics including thermodynamic stablility; the potential to improve material transparency, creep and solvent resistance; the potential to simultaneously increase...

Nanotechnology: An Introduction (Micro and Nano Technologies)
Nanotechnology: An Introduction (Micro and Nano Technologies)

This book provides an overview of the rapidly growing and developing field of nanotechnology, focusing on key essentials and structured around a robust anatomy of the subject. The newcomer to nanotechnology, who may well have a strong background in one of the traditional disciplines such as physics, mechanical or electrical engineering,...

iPod and iTunes For Dummies
iPod and iTunes For Dummies

Get going with your iPod & iTunes and this perennial bestseller - now in full-color!

iPod & iTunes For Dummies is the ultimate beginner's guide for getting started with your iPod and Apple's iTunes service. Now in its tenth edition, this helpful guide has been completely overhauled and boasts a...

Pulsed Laser Ablation of Solids: Basics, Theory and Applications
Pulsed Laser Ablation of Solids: Basics, Theory and Applications

The book introduces ‘the state of the art' of pulsed laser ablation and its applications. It is based on recent theoretical and experimental studies. The book reaches from the basics to advanced topics of pulsed laser ablation. Theoretical and experimental fundamental phenomena involved in pulsed laser ablation are discussed with...

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