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Joe Celko's Analytics and OLAP in SQL (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Joe Celko's Analytics and OLAP in SQL (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
The First book that teaches what SQL programmers need in order to successfully make the transition from transactional systems (OLTP) into the world of OLAP.

Before SQL programmers could begin working with OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) systems, they had to unlearn procedural, record-oriented programming before moving
The Handbook of High Performance Virtual Teams: A Toolkit for Collaborating Across Boundaries
The Handbook of High Performance Virtual Teams: A Toolkit for Collaborating Across Boundaries
The Handbook of High-Performance Virtual Teams

The Handbook of High-Performance Virtual Teams is an essential resource for leaders, virtual team members, and work group leaders. The editors provide a proven framework based on five principles for working collaboratively across boundaries of time, space, and culture. Written by experts in the...

Information Operations Planning
Information Operations Planning
Information operations involve the use of military information and how it is gathered, manipulated, and fused. It includes such critical functions asintelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, command and control, communications, and precision navigation. Separating myth from reality, this authoritative resource provides military professionals with...
Flash 3D: Animation, Interactivity, and Games
Flash 3D: Animation, Interactivity, and Games
Push your creative ideas to the next level in content delivery.
Use real and simulated 3D space in your Flash games and interactive systems.

3D possibilities offer an untapped creative approach to thinking and designing with Flash. Tap into this medium by:
* Creating reusable templates to reduce costs and cycle time for
Applied Security Visualization
Applied Security Visualization


“Collecting log data is one thing, having relevant information is something else. The art to transform all kinds of log data into meaningful security information is the core of this book. Raffy illustrates in a...

A Developer's Guide to Data Modeling for SQL Server: Covering SQL Server 2005 and 2008
A Developer's Guide to Data Modeling for SQL Server: Covering SQL Server 2005 and 2008
Model SQL Server Databases That Work Better, Do More, and Evolve More Smoothly

Effective data modeling is essential to ensuring that your databases will perform well, scale well, and evolve to meet changing requirements. However, if you’re modeling databases to run on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or 2005, theoretical
Machinima For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Machinima For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Create high-quality animations at little to no cost!

The fun and easy way® to film in a virtual world and get your movie noticed

Want to master Machinima? This friendly, hands-on guide is packed with savvy techniques for movie-making in Machinima's most popular creation...

The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth
The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth

"Steve is a true storyteller, and it's his real-world stories that bring these rules to life. This book is both a great read and a practical guide to reaching the next level. Here's something else that is irrefutable...Steven Little is the business growth expert!"
—Lee Jones

Exploring the Internet
Exploring the Internet
The Internet really hit the headlines in 1994. People started talking about it, newspapers started writing articles about it, and those weird-looking addresses full of dots and dashes started popping up at the end of TV shows and adverts. Ah yes, everyone said, knowingly. Hype. It’ll be something different next year. But something unexpected...
IT Performance Management (Computer Weekly Professional)
IT Performance Management (Computer Weekly Professional)
IT Performance Management addresses the way organizations should balance the demand and the supply of information technology, optimizing the cost and maximizing the business value of IT.

In this book several aspects of IT performance management are described. The way this management is executed and the techniques, which
Dojo: Using the Dojo JavaScript Library to Build Ajax Applications (Developer's Library)
Dojo: Using the Dojo JavaScript Library to Build Ajax Applications (Developer's Library)
Dojo offers Web developers and designers a powerful JavaScript toolkit for rapidly developing robust Ajax applications. Now, for the first time, there’s a complete, example-rich developer’s guide to Dojo and its growing library of prepackaged widgets. Reviewed and endorsed by the Dojo Foundation, the creators of Dojo, this book brings...
Beginning DB2: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)
Beginning DB2: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)
IBM’s DB2 Express Edition is one of the most capable of the free database platforms available in today’s marketplace. In Beginning DB2, author Grant Allen gets you started using DB2 Express Edition for web sites, desktop applications, and more. The author covers the basics of DB2 for developers and database...
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