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Pro .NET Performance: Optimize Your C# Applications (Professional Apress)
Pro .NET Performance: Optimize Your C# Applications (Professional Apress)

Maximizing the performance of your algorithms and applications is extremely important and can give you a competitive advantage, a lower cost of ownership, and happier users. Pro .NET Performance explains the internals of Windows, the CLR, and the physical hardware that affect the performance of your applications, and gives you the...

Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Clustering: Applications in Data Mining and Bioinformatics
Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Clustering: Applications in Data Mining and Bioinformatics

Clustering is an important unsupervised classification technique where a set of patterns, usually vectors in multidimensional space, are grouped into clusters based on some similarity or dissimilarity criteria. In crisp clustering, each pattern is assigned to exactly one cluster, whereas in fuzzy clustering, each pattern is given a...

Programming Languages and their Definition: Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (v. 177)
Programming Languages and their Definition: Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (v. 177)

The IBM Vienna Laboratory has made a significant contribution to the work on the semantic description of computer systems. Both the operational semantics descriptions ("VDL") and the later work on denotational semantics ("Meta-IV", "VEM") contain interesting scientific ideas. Partly because of the large...

Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Step by Step
Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Step by Step

Parallel programming truly redefines the programming model for multicore architecture, which has become commonplace. For this reason, parallel programming has been elevated to a core technology in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4. In this version of the .NET Framework, the Task Parallel Library (TPL) and the System.Threading.Tasks...

Functional Programming for Java Developers: Tools for Better Concurrency, Abstraction, and Agility
Functional Programming for Java Developers: Tools for Better Concurrency, Abstraction, and Agility

Why should a Java developer learn about functional programming (FP)? After all, hasn’t functional programming been safely hidden in academia for decades? Isn’t objectoriented programming (OOP) all we really need? This book explains why functional programming has become an important tool for the challenges of our time and how...

OpenCL Programming Guide
OpenCL Programming Guide

Industry pundits love drama. New products don’t build on the status quo to make things better. They “revolutionize” or, better yet, define a “new paradigm.” And, of course, given the way technology evolves, the results rarely are as dramatic as the pundits make it seem.

Over the past decade,...

Handbook of Data Intensive Computing
Handbook of Data Intensive Computing
This handbook is carefully edited book – contributors are worldwide experts in the field of data intensive computing and their applications. The scope of the book includes leading edge data intensive computing architectures and systems, innovative storage, virtualization, and parallel processing technologies applied in...
Clojure Programming
Clojure Programming

Clojure is a practical, general-purpose language that offers expressivity rivaling other dynamic languages like Ruby and Python, while seamlessly taking advantage of Java libraries, services, and all of the resources of the JVM ecosystem. This book helps you learn the fundamentals of Clojure with examples relating it to the languages...

High-Performance Java Platform Computing: Multithreaded and Networked Programming
High-Performance Java Platform Computing: Multithreaded and Networked Programming

Threading and concurrency are crucial to building high-performance Java applications -- but they have a reputation for complexity. High Performance Java Computing thoroughly demystifies these advanced development techniques. It delivers practical programming solutions, proven design patterns, and a rigorously-tested code library -- everything...

Getting Started with Storm
Getting Started with Storm
If you’re reading this, it’s because you heard about Storm somehow, and you’re interested in better understanding what it does, how you can use it to solve various problems, and how it works.

This book will get you started with Storm in a very straightforward and easy way. The
Introduction to Parallel Processing: Algorithms and Architectures (Series in Computer Science)
Introduction to Parallel Processing: Algorithms and Architectures (Series in Computer Science)
The field of digital computer architecture has grown explosively in the past two decades. Through a steady stream of experimental research, tool-building efforts, and theoretical studies, the design of an instruction-set architecture, once considered an art, has been transformed into one of the most quantitative branches of...
GPU Pro 4: Advanced Rendering Techniques
GPU Pro 4: Advanced Rendering Techniques

GPU Pro4: Advanced Rendering Techniques presents ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can help solve many of your day-to-day graphics programming challenges. Focusing on interactive media and games, the book covers up-to-date methods for producing real-time graphics.

Section editors Wolfgang Engel,...

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