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Managing the Dynamics of New Product Development Processes: A New Product Lifecycle Management Paradigm
Managing the Dynamics of New Product Development Processes: A New Product Lifecycle Management Paradigm

In contemporary globally competitive markets, the development of new products is considered a critical success factor for organizations. Significant efforts have been invested in the development of methods and tools for improving the management of design processes, being a key element in development processes, especially those related...

OSWorkflow: A guide for Java developers and architects to integrating open-source Business Process Management
OSWorkflow: A guide for Java developers and architects to integrating open-source Business Process Management
This book covers all aspects of OSWorkflow for Java developers and system architects, from basics of Business Process Management and installing OSWorkflow to developing complex Java applications and integrating this open-source Java workflow engine with the third-party components Drools for business rules, Quartz for task scheduling, and Pentaho...
Analysis of Biological Networks (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics)
Analysis of Biological Networks (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics)
An introduction to biological networks and methods for their analysis

Analysis of Biological Networks is the first book of its kind to provide readers with a comprehensive introduction to the structural analysis of biological networks at the interface of biology and computer science. The book begins with a brief overview of biological networks...

Internet Based Workflow Management: Towards a Semantic Web
Internet Based Workflow Management: Towards a Semantic Web
Today, an ever-expanding set of human activities, ranging from business processes to healthcare to education and research, is dependent upon the Internet. Most processes involve a workflow, the coordinated execution of multiple activities. In a given application, once the key stages of the workflow have been isolated, an infrastructure to...
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems: 6th International Conference, FORMATS 2008, Saint Malo, France, September 15-17, 2008, Proceedings
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems: 6th International Conference, FORMATS 2008, Saint Malo, France, September 15-17, 2008, Proceedings
This volume consists of the proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2008). The main goal of this series of conferences is to bring together diverse communities of researchers that deal with the timing aspects of computing systems. Both fundamental and practical aspects of timed...
Fuzzy Reasoning in Information, Decision and Control Systems (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering)
Fuzzy Reasoning in Information, Decision and Control Systems (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering)
This book is devoted to the study of fuzzy reasoning as applied to decision making and control processes. It contains a collection of important contributions covering a wide well-selected range of topics within the field.
The book contains twenty-one papers, written by thirty-four distinguished contributors and is divided into five
Parameterized and Exact Computation: 5th International Symposium
Parameterized and Exact Computation: 5th International Symposium

The International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC, formerly IWPEC) is an international symposium series that covers research in all aspects of parameterized and exact algorithms and complexity. Started in 2004 as a biennial workshop, it became an annual event from 2008.

The four previous meetings of the...

Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: Recent Advances
Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: Recent Advances

The Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering is the first comprehensive handbook covering these two important areas that have become interwoven in recent years. Many international experts contribute to this Hand book. Each article is written in a way that a practitioner of software engineering and knowledge engineering can...

Dependability of Networked Computer-based Systems (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)
Dependability of Networked Computer-based Systems (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)

This book is meant for research scholars, scientists and practitioners involved with the application of computer-based systems in critical applications. Ensuring dependability of systems used in critical applications is important due to the impact of their failures on human life, investment and environment. The individual aspects of...

Modeling and Control of Discrete-event Dynamic Systems: with Petri Nets and Other Tools
Modeling and Control of Discrete-event Dynamic Systems: with Petri Nets and Other Tools

This book presents results of research achieved in friendly collaboration across borders and moreover between continents and emphasizes a belief in engineering science being for the benefit of mankind the world over. This aspect of the book’s ethos is epitomized by the authors’ profiles, one being from Central Europe and...

Discrete-Time and Discrete-Space Dynamical Systems (Communications and Control Engineering)
Discrete-Time and Discrete-Space Dynamical Systems (Communications and Control Engineering)
Discrete-Time and Discrete-Space Dynamical Systems provides a systematic characterization of the similarities and differences of several types of discrete-time and discrete-space dynamical systems, including:
  • Boolean control networks;
  • nondeterministic finite-transition...
Protocol Engineering
Protocol Engineering

Communication protocols form the operational basis of computer networks and tele­communication systems. They are behavior conventions that describe how com­munication systems inter­act with each other, defining the temporal order of the interactions and the formats of the data units exchanged – essentially they determine the...

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