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System Center Operations Manager 2007 Unleashed
System Center Operations Manager 2007 Unleashed
The process of operations management is a combination of people, procedures, and tools—all three are necessary, and the absence of one component can put an entire enterprise solution at risk. At a more granular level, operations management is about correlating what may appear to be seemingly unrelated events and data across machines to...
Production Planning in Production Networks: Models for Medium and Short-term Planning
Production Planning in Production Networks: Models for Medium and Short-term Planning
Distributed production networks are structures which are considered able to provide the organisational agility and efficiency necessary to compete in the global market. The performance of such organisations heavily depends on the ability of those involved in the network to coordinate their activities. Two approaches are available for managing...
Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance: Second International Workshop, AGTIVE 2003, Charlottesville
Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance: Second International Workshop, AGTIVE 2003, Charlottesville
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance, AGTIVE 2003, held in Charlotesville, Virginia, USA in September/October 2003.

The 27 revised full papers and 11 revised demo papers presented together with 2 invited papers and 5...

Managing Stakeholders in Software Development Projects (Computer Weekly Professional)
Managing Stakeholders in Software Development Projects (Computer Weekly Professional)
Understand how to effectively manage stakeholders by taking account of their personal needs and goals

As stakeholder relationships and business in general have become increasingly central to the unfolding of stakeholder thinking, important new topics have begun to take centre stage in both the worlds of practitioners and
Redesigning Enterprise Processes for E-Business w/CD ROM
Redesigning Enterprise Processes for E-Business w/CD ROM
This is the decade of redesigning enterprise processes for e-business ! Creating a process advantage has always been a formidable strategic weapon for business enterprises, but the internet and e-business have brought new urgency to it. A different form of business process redesign or reengineering (BPR) has been ignited by e-business to create...
Enterprise Systems Education in the 21st Century
Enterprise Systems Education in the 21st Century
IT education, particularly at business colleges, is undergoing a transformation because of the emerging federated systems or enterprise-wide systems (ES). This follows a trend in industry, which uses complex software applications like SAP and others. This movement toward ES in industry has created major challenges for integrating ES into the...
Managing Corporate Information Systems Evolution and Maintenance
Managing Corporate Information Systems Evolution and Maintenance
Managing Corporate Information Systems Evolution and Maintenance addresses the recent developments of systems maintenance research and practices ranging from technicality of systems evolution to managerial aspects of the topic. It includes very contemporary issues such as evolving legacy systems to e-business, applying patterns for reengineering...
Deploying Voice over Wireless LANs (Networking Technology)
Deploying Voice over Wireless LANs (Networking Technology)

The definitive guide to planning, architecting, deploying, supporting, and creating Voice over Wireless LAN solutions


Recent advances make it possible to deliver high-quality voice and video communications over a wireless LAN (WLAN), replacing costly...

Software Evolution With UML and XML
Software Evolution With UML and XML
Software Evolution with UML and XML provides a forum where expert insights are presented on the subject of linking three current phenomena: software evolution, UML and XML. Software evolution and reengineering are a real problem in the software industry

About the Author

Hongji Yang is currently
Surfing the Edge of Chaos: The Laws of Nature and the New Laws of Business
Surfing the Edge of Chaos: The Laws of Nature and the New Laws of Business
Every few years a book changes the way people think about a field. In psychology there is Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence. In science, James Gleick's Chaos. In economics and finance, Burton Malkiel's A Random Walk Down Wall Street. And in business there is now Surfing the Edge of Chaos by Richard...
Handbook of Research on Web Information Systems Quality
Handbook of Research on Web Information Systems Quality
Web information systems engineering resolves the multifaceted issues of Web-based systems development; however, as part of an emergent yet prolific industry, Web site quality assurance is a continually adaptive process needing a comprehensive reference tool to merge all cutting-edge research and innovations.

The Handbook of Research on Web...

Programming ADO.NET
Programming ADO.NET

Seasoned trainers Richard Hundhausen and Steven Borg provide a thorough and detailed reference to everything that’s ADO.NET. This is no small undertaking! The ADO.NET section of the .NET Framework, which you will come to know as System.Data and its related namespaces, delivers more than 200 classes, structures, and enumerations, each...

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