 System Center Operations Manager 2007 UnleashedThe process of operations management is a combination of people, procedures, and tools—all three are necessary, and the absence of one component can put an entire enterprise solution at risk. At a more granular level, operations management is about correlating what may appear to be seemingly unrelated events and data across machines to... |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  Redesigning Enterprise Processes for E-Business w/CD ROMThis is the decade of redesigning enterprise processes for e-business ! Creating a process advantage has always been a formidable strategic weapon for business enterprises, but the internet and e-business have brought new urgency to it. A different form of business process redesign or reengineering (BPR) has been ignited by e-business to create... |  |  Enterprise Systems Education in the 21st CenturyIT education, particularly at business colleges, is undergoing a transformation because of the emerging federated systems or enterprise-wide systems (ES). This follows a trend in industry, which uses complex software applications like SAP and others. This movement toward ES in industry has created major challenges for integrating ES into the... |
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