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Internet-based Control Systems: Design and Applications (Advances in Industrial Control)
Internet-based Control Systems: Design and Applications (Advances in Industrial Control)

The Internet plays a significant and growing role in real-time industrial manufacturing, scheduling and management. A considerable research effort has led to the development of new technologies that make it possible to use the Internet for supervision and control of industrial processes.

Internet-based Control Systems...

Markov Models for Pattern Recognition: From Theory to Applications
Markov Models for Pattern Recognition: From Theory to Applications

The development of pattern recognition methods on the basis of so-called Markov models is tightly coupled to the technological progress in the field of automatic speech recognition. Today, however, Markov chain and hidden Markov models are also applied in many other fields where the task is the modeling and analysis of chronologically...

An Introduction to Parallel Programming
An Introduction to Parallel Programming

Parallel hardware has been ubiquitous for some time now. It’s difficult to find a laptop, desktop, or server that doesn’t use a multicore processor. Beowulf clusters are nearly as common today as high-powered workstations were during the 1990s, and cloud computing could make distributed-memory systems as accessible as...

Computability Theory: An Introduction to Recursion Theory
Computability Theory: An Introduction to Recursion Theory

The study of the class of computable partial functions (i.e., recursive partial functions) stands at the intersection of three fields: mathematics, theoretical computer science, and philosophy.

Mathematically, computability theory originates from the concept of an algorithm. It leads to a classification of functions according...

Java™ for Programmers (2nd Edition) (Deitel Developer Series)
Java™ for Programmers (2nd Edition) (Deitel Developer Series)

Welcome to Java—the world’s most widely used computer programming language. In this book, you’ll learn object-oriented programming—today’s key programming methodology.

You’ll create and work with many software objects in this text.

Java is the preferred language for meeting many...

Data and Computer Communications (8th Edition)
Data and Computer Communications (8th Edition)

This book attempts to provide a unified overview of the broad field of data and computer communications. The organization of the book reflects an attempt to break this massive subject into comprehensible parts and to build, piece by piece, a survey of the state of the art.The book emphasizes basic...

The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1

The TITLE of Volume 4 is Combinatorial Algorithms, and when I proposed it I was strongly inclined to add a subtitle: The Kind of Programming I Like Best. Mv editors have decided to tone down such exuberance, but the fact remains that programs with a combinatorial flavor have always been my favorites.

On the other hand I've...

Handcrafted CSS: More Bulletproof Web Design
Handcrafted CSS: More Bulletproof Web Design

There’s a real connection between craftsmanship and Web design. That’s the theme running through Handcrafted CSS: More Bulletproof Web Design, by bestselling author Dan Cederholm, with a chapter contributed by renowned Web designer and developer Ethan Marcotte. This book explores CSS3 that works in today’s browsers,...

Developing Android Applications with Adobe AIR (Adobe Developer Library)
Developing Android Applications with Adobe AIR (Adobe Developer Library)

The proliferation of the cellular phone has revolutionized the way we connect to the world and communicate with one another. It is the foundation of a mobile lifestyle.

Although the evolution of cell phone technology is progressing thanks to hardware manufacturers and platform engineers, the unveiling of its potential is...

Dependency Structures and Lexicalized Grammars: An Algebraic Approach
Dependency Structures and Lexicalized Grammars: An Algebraic Approach

This book reports the major results of roughly four years of doctoral research. Among the many people who have contributed to it, there are some to whom I owe a particularly large debt of gratitude.

Since 2002, FoLLI has awarded an annual prize for outstanding dissertations in the fields of Logic, Language and Information. This...

A Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++: Design Patterns for Decomposition and Coordination on Multicore Architectures
A Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++: Design Patterns for Decomposition and Coordination on Multicore Architectures

Your CPU meter shows a problem. One core is running at 100 percent, but all the other cores are idle. Your application is CPU-bound, but you are using only a fraction of the computing power of your multicore system. Is there a way to get better performance?

The answer, in a nutshell, is parallel programming. Where you...

App Inventor: Create Your Own Android Apps
App Inventor: Create Your Own Android Apps

You’re on your regular running route, just jogging along, and an idea for the next killer mobile app hits you. All the way home, you don’t even care what your time is, all you can think about is getting your idea out there. But how exactly do you do that? You’re no programmer, and that would take years, and time is...

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