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Leadership Principles for Project Success
Leadership Principles for Project Success
This book is about project success. It reveals a secret for project success: effective project leadership. It shows where pure project management falls short and why project leadership is the decisive factor for project success. It outlines five simple yet powerful leadership principles which, if applied systematically, can help...
Computer Vision-Guided Virtual Craniofacial Surgery: A Graph-Theoretic and Statistical Perspective
Computer Vision-Guided Virtual Craniofacial Surgery: A Graph-Theoretic and Statistical Perspective
The monograph deals with an important application of computer vision and pattern recognition in the area of medical science, more specifically reconstructive craniofacial surgery. Craniofacial fractures are encountered very frequently in today’s fastpaced society; the major causes being gunshot wounds, motor vehicle...
Information Visualization, Third Edition: Perception for Design (Interactive Technologies)
Information Visualization, Third Edition: Perception for Design (Interactive Technologies)

Information Visualization: Perception for Design is a comprehensive guide to what the science of human perception tells us about how we should display information.

The human brain is a super-computer for finding patterns in information. Our understanding of visual data and visual information is greatly enhanced or impeded by...

Adaptive Control Approach for Software Quality Improvement (Series on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering)
Adaptive Control Approach for Software Quality Improvement (Series on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering)
The expansion of our reliance on software in many aspects of modern society has coincided with a number of incidents in aeronautics, astronautics, transportation, medical devices, energy generation, banking and finance. Failures caused by software have introduced more than just inconvenience, but significant property damage,...
Handbook of Security and Networks
Handbook of Security and Networks
As computing and networking technologies are gradually integrated with every aspect of human lives and activities, computer and network security has become a critical issue. The Handbook of Security and Networks presents a collection of recent advances in computer networking and security areas. These include applied...
SPSS for Starters, Part 2 (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
SPSS for Starters, Part 2 (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
The small book ‘‘SPSS for Starters’’ issued in 2010 presented 20 chapters of cookbook like step by step data-analyses of clinical research, and was written to help clinical investigators and medical students analyze their data without the help of a statistician. The book served its purpose well enough, since...
HTML5 Hacks
HTML5 Hacks
HTML5 is the new catchall term for “the Web.” Like Ajax and Web 2.0 before, the term can cause confusion when used in different contexts. HTML5 is technically the fifth revision of the HTML markup language, but you will find the term being used to describe an umbrella of next-generation web technology...
Reconfigurable Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Mission-Critical Applications
Reconfigurable Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Mission-Critical Applications

Embedded systems applications that are either mission or safety-critical usually entail low- to mid- production volumes, require the rapid development of specific tasks, which are typically computing intensive, and are cost bounded. The adoption of re-configurable FPGAs in such application domains is constrained to the availability of...

Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice
Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice
Mechatronics education has been a constant source of interest to nearly all engineering conferences, and the first chapter in this book is dedicated to this most important subject.

The first paper discusses a very original idea from one of the more innovative pioneers of mechatronics education. This looks at the
Software Similarity and Classification (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
Software Similarity and Classification (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

Software similarity and classification is an emerging topic with wide applications. It is applicable to the areas of malware detection, software theft detection, plagiarism detection, and software clone detection. Extracting program features, processing those features into suitable representations, and constructing distance metrics to define...

Business Continuity Management: Building an Effective Incident Management Plan
Business Continuity Management: Building an Effective Incident Management Plan

Whether an international corporation or a small business, developing and utilizing

a Business Continuity Management (BCM) Plan protects companies and their personnel, facilities, materials, and activities from the broad spectrum of risks that face businesses and government agencies on a daily basis, whether at home or
Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference
Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference

There are already many computer vision textbooks, and it is reasonable to question the need for another. Let me explain why I chose to write this volume.

Computer vision is an engineering discipline; we are primarily motivated by the real-world concern of...

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