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A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World
A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World

A sweeping narrative history of world trade--from Mesopotamia in 3000 B.C. to the firestorm over globalization today--that brilliantly explores trade's colorful and contentious past and provides new insights into its future

Adam Smith wrote that man has an intrinsic "propensity to truck, barter, and exchange one thing for...

C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation
C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation

Even experienced game developers sometimes have a hard time making their vision for a great game a reality. The number of available programming languages, libraries, and production methods can make the development process overwhelming and result in complicated, unreliable game code. C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation shows...

Olaf's Kitchen: A Master Chef Shares His Passion
Olaf's Kitchen: A Master Chef Shares His Passion

"Whether he's cooking for the British Royal family or whipping up a casual dinner,it's the same every time: exquisite meals, stunningly presented." - Josh Sleeman

"Chef Olaf is a bright light in the world of food - a culinary commando dedicated to the pursuit of excellence." - Anna...

Serial Killer Investigations
Serial Killer Investigations

In 1977, FBI Special Agent Robert Ressler first used the term ‘serial killer’ after a visit to Bramshill Police Academy, near London, where someone referred to a ‘serial burglar’. The inspired coinage was soon in general use to describe killers such as necrophile Ed Kemper (ten victims), schizophrenic Herb Mullin (14),...

Microchip Mathematics: Number Theory for Computer Users
Microchip Mathematics: Number Theory for Computer Users

In the Autumn of 1983, in the face of the phenomenal growth of home computer sales in the U.K., the national British newspaper The Guardian decided to produce, each week, a 'Computer Page'. Noone was quite sure exactly what should go into the page on a regular basis, but it was thought that a fortnightly column on computer mathematics...

Textbook of Erectile Dysfunction, Second Edition
Textbook of Erectile Dysfunction, Second Edition

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects 20-30 million American men, most of whom are over 50 years of age. In a UK-based study, 32% of British men had difficulty obtaining an erection, 20% with maintaining an erection. In recent years the physiology and pathophysiology of ED have changed our understanding of what ED is from a purely...

ABC of Nutrition (ABC Series)
ABC of Nutrition (ABC Series)

Nutrition is one of those subjects which comes up every day in general practice—or should do—yet in most undergraduate medical schools it is crowded out by the big clinical specialities and high technology procedures. It is for subjects like nutrition that the British Medical Journal’s ABC series is extremely useful.

Game Coding Complete, Third Edition
Game Coding Complete, Third Edition

I had been playing the Ultima series of games by Richard Garriott since I was in high school, and I was a die-hard fan. Every game he published, I played all the way through, from Ultima I on the Apple ][ to Ultima V on the IBM PC. Ultima VI came out right as I graduated from college, and I noticed that the contact information for Origin...

Musical Groups in the Movies, 1929-1970
Musical Groups in the Movies, 1929-1970

Hundreds of musical groups have appeared in at least one film from 1929 through 1970. This is a reference book devoted to these groups. Most entries include a brief description of the musical group, a list of the main singers or performers and, when available, a list of the songs performed in each film. One appendix lists popular British...

International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers Edition 4. (International Dictionary of Film and Filmmakers) 4-Vol Set
International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers Edition 4. (International Dictionary of Film and Filmmakers) 4-Vol Set

This is a revised edition of the 4th volume of the International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, which also includes Volume 1, Films, Volume 2, Directors, and Volume 3, Actors and Actresses. The book contains 545 entries, consisting of a brief biography, a complete filmography, a selected bibliography of works by and about the entrant, and a...

Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy
Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy

The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy provides a comprehensive overview of public diplomacy and national image and perception management, from the efforts to foster pro-West sentiment during the Cold War to the post-9/11 campaign to "win the hearts and minds" of the Muslim world. Editors Nancy Snow and Philip Taylor...

Pounder's Marine Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines, Ninth Edition
Pounder's Marine Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines, Ninth Edition
Since its first appearance in 1950, Pounder's Marine Diesel Engines has served seagoing engineers, students of the Certificates of Competency examinations and the marine engineering industry throughout the world. Each new edition has noted the changes in engine design and the influence of new technology and economic needs on the marine...
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