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Houches Lectures: 1972, Black Holes (Les Houches Lectures : 1972 Lectures)
Houches Lectures: 1972, Black Holes (Les Houches Lectures : 1972 Lectures)
The story of the phenomenal transformation of general relativity within little more than a decade, from a quiet backwater of research, harboring a handful of theorists, to a booming outpost attracting increasing numbers of highly talented young people as well as heavy investment in experiments, is by now familiar. The amazing thing about this...
Holographic Imaging
Holographic Imaging
This is a book about the three-dimensional imaging technique of holography. It covers the fundamental physical and optical principles of using diffraction to record and reconstruct images, human perception, and the history of holographic imaging with an approachable explanation of both basic and advanced holographic concepts. This authoritative...
Poly-Modeling with 3ds Max: Thinking Outside of the Box
Poly-Modeling with 3ds Max: Thinking Outside of the Box
Poly-Modeling with 3ds Max is a practical guide for intermediate- to advanced-level 3ds Max modelers, covering techniques that will signifi cantly impact the quality of your models as well as work fl ow and productivity. This volume covers Poly-Modeling extensively, while also touching on other methods of modeling that can be implemented in your...
NHibernate in Action
NHibernate in Action
In the classic style of Manning's "In Action" series, NHibernate in Action shows .NET developers how to use the NHibernate Object/Relational Mapping tool. This book is a translation from Java to .NET, as well as an expansion, of Manning's bestselling Hibernate in Action. All traces of Java have been carefully replaced by their .NET...
Troubleshooting Switching Power Converters: A Hands-on Guide
Troubleshooting Switching Power Converters: A Hands-on Guide
A few weeks ago, I found myself groping for some sorely needed inspiration. I was even questioning the very need for a book on this particular subject. So despite spending five years in the general vicinity of the legend behind it, I fi nally went and bought myself the “other” book—Troubleshooting Analog Circuits by Robert Pease....
ASP.NET 3.5: A Beginner's Guide
ASP.NET 3.5: A Beginner's Guide
What distinguishes the web hobbyist from the professional developer is the ability to store and retrieve data from a server over the Internet. Some readers may have made that step with PHP or Perl, and for them the journey has already begun. For others, ASP.NET 3.5 is just the next step in the growth and development of ASP.NET. For them, much will...
LINQ For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
LINQ For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Link up with LINQ and see how you can query almost anything!

So you're the inquisitive type? LINQ answers your biggest query — "Why can't I develop database and XML queries in a language I already know?" This book introduces you to LINQ and the .NET Framework technologies, so you can use LINQ to...

Programming Languages: An Active Learning Approach
Programming Languages: An Active Learning Approach
Programming Languages: An Active Learning Approach introduces students to three programming paradigms: object-oriented/imperative languages using C++ and Ruby, functional languages using Standard ML, and logic programming using Prolog. This interactive textbook is intended to be used in and outside of class. Each chapter follows a pattern of...
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SQL Server Series)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SQL Server Series)
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services provides fast access to data by means of multidimensional data structures and the multidimensional query languag MDX. Analysis Services provides the capability to design, create, and manage multidimensional cubes based on data warehouse tables, and it serves as the foundation for the Microsoft  Business...
High Performance Parallel Database Processing and Grid Databases (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)
High Performance Parallel Database Processing and Grid Databases (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)

The latest techniques and principles of parallel and grid database processing

The growth in grid databases, coupled with the utility of parallel query processing, presents an important opportunity to understand and utilize high-performance parallel database processing within a major database management system...

XML in Action (IT Professional)
XML in Action (IT Professional)
Currently, XML is a bubbling cauldron of expectations and implementations. In XML in Action, William J. Pardi gives you a feel for what Microsoft is throwing into the mix by providing a general introduction to XML, with a focus on Internet Explorer 5.0's implementation in particular.

Not surprisingly, the book opens up with a...

Guide to Observing Deep-Sky Objects: A Complete Global Resource for Astronomers
Guide to Observing Deep-Sky Objects: A Complete Global Resource for Astronomers
When is the best time to see the Andromeda Galaxy, known also as M31? What about M42, the Great Nebula in Orion? That depends on several factors. First, where you are on the planet Earth, second, what time of year it is, and third, when you like to do your observing. The best time to see anything through our atmosphere is when the sky object is...
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