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The Certified Reliability Engineer Handbook
The Certified Reliability Engineer Handbook
Reliability engineers are professionals who understand the principles of performance evaluation and prediction to improve product/systems safety, reliability, and maintainability. This handbook s chapters and sections match the Body of Knowledge (BOK) specified for ASQ s Reliability Engineer certification, which includes design review and control;...
Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet And Erp on Accounting
Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet And Erp on Accounting
Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet and ERP on Accounting provides a foundation in digital accounting by covering fundamental topics such as accounting software, XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language), and EDI. The effects of the Internet and ERP on accounting are classified and presented for each accounting cycle, along with a...
Manufacturing Execution System - MES
Manufacturing Execution System - MES
The classical factory fades into history as production plants today develop into modern service centers. Problems in management arise for which many companies are not yet prepared: economic efficiency of modern added value is not a property of products alone but of the process. Decisive potential in business now is a question of process capability,...
MSP430 Microcontroller Basics
MSP430 Microcontroller Basics
A complete starter kit for the engineer that wants to master the Texas Instruments' very popular MSP430 microcontroller!
The MSP430 is a simple 16-bit microcontroller with a compact and economical CPU containing only 27 instructions and 16 registers. It offers other advantages which make it suitable for low power applications: a rich
RF and Digital Signal Processing for Software-Defined Radio: A Multi-Standard Multi-Mode Approach
RF and Digital Signal Processing for Software-Defined Radio: A Multi-Standard Multi-Mode Approach
Software-defined radio (SDR) is the hottest area of RF/wireless design, and this title describes SDR concepts, theory, and design principles from the perspective of the signal processing (both on transmission and reception) performed by a SDR system. After an introductory overview of essential SDR concepts, this book examines waveform creation,...
Switchmode RF Power Amplifiers (Communications Engineering)
Switchmode RF Power Amplifiers (Communications Engineering)
A majority of people now have a digital mobile device whether it be a cell phone, laptop, or blackberry. Now that we have the mobility we want it to be more versatile and dependable; RF power amplifiers accomplish just that. These amplifiers take a small input and make it stronger and larger creating a wider area of use with a more robust...
RF & Wireless Technologies (Newnes Know It All)
RF & Wireless Technologies (Newnes Know It All)
RF & wireless technology enables laptops, cell phones, portable video games and much more - engineers can "Know It All with Newnes!"

The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written to create hard-working desk references that will be an engineer's first port of call for key
Design of Experiments in Chemical Engineering: A Practical Guide
Design of Experiments in Chemical Engineering: A Practical Guide

While existing books related to DOE are focused either on process or mixture factors or analyze specific tools from DOE science, this text is structured both horizontally and vertically, covering the three most common objectives of any experimental research:

  • screening designs
  • mathematical modeling, and...
RF Circuit Design (Information and Communication Technology Series,)
RF Circuit Design (Information and Communication Technology Series,)
A Must-Read for all RF/RFIC Circuit Designers

This book targets the four most difficult skills facing RF/RFIC designers today: impedance matching, RF/AC grounding, Six Sigma design, and RFIC technology. Unlike most books on the market, it presents readers with practical engineering design examples to explore how they're used to solve ever...

Mastering Statistical Process Control: A Handbook for Performance Improvement Using SPC Cases
Mastering Statistical Process Control: A Handbook for Performance Improvement Using SPC Cases
Mastering Statistical Process Control shows how to understand business or process performance more clearly and more effectively. This practical book is based on a rich and varied selection of case studies from across industry and commerce, including material from the manufacturing, extractive and service sectors. It will enable readers to...
CMMI Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement (3rd Edition) (The SEI Series in Software Engineering)
CMMI Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement (3rd Edition) (The SEI Series in Software Engineering)
CMMI® (Capability Maturity Model® Integration) is an integrated, extensible framework for improving process capability and quality across an organization. It has become a cornerstone in the implementation of continuous improvement for both industry and governments around the world. Rich in both detail and guidance for a wide set of...
EPSS Revisited: A Lifecycle for Developing Performance-Centered Systems
EPSS Revisited: A Lifecycle for Developing Performance-Centered Systems

EPSS Revisited is a compendium of articles gathered primarily from four special issues of ISPI's Performance Improvement (PI) journal between July 1999 and December 2002. These were issues for which I served as guest editor during a period when I was refining a performance-centered design...

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