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Diseases of the Heart, Chest & Breast: Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques
Diseases of the Heart, Chest & Breast: Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques
The International Diagnostic Course in Davos (IDKD) offers a unique learning experience for imaging specialists in training as well as for experienced radiologists and clinicians wishing to be updated on the current state of the art and the latest developments in the fields of imaging and image-guided interventions.

Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours (IARC WHO Classification of Tumours)
Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours (IARC WHO Classification of Tumours)

Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours is the latest volume in the new WHO series, on histological and genetic typing of human tumours. This authoritative, concise reference book, provides an international standard for pathologists and oncologists and will serve as an indispensable, guide for use in the design of studies...

Medical Image Analysis
Medical Image Analysis

The expanded and revised edition will split Chapter 4 to include more details and examples in FMRI, DTI, and DWI for MR image modalities. The book will also expand ultrasound imaging to 3-D dynamic contrast ultrasound imaging in a separate chapter.

A new chapter on Optical Imaging Modalities elaborating microscopy, confocal...

Clusters in Nuclei, Volume 3 (Lecture Notes in Physics)
Clusters in Nuclei, Volume 3 (Lecture Notes in Physics)

Following the pioneering discovery of alpha clustering and of molecular resonances, the field of nuclear clustering is today one of those domains of heavy-ion nuclear physics that faces the greatest challenges, yet also contains the greatest opportunities. After many summer schools and workshops, in particular over the last decade, the...

Optical Interferometry for Biology and Medicine (Bioanalysis)
Optical Interferometry for Biology and Medicine (Bioanalysis)

This book presents the fundamental physics of optical interferometry as applied to biophysical, biological and medical research. Interference is at the core of many types of optical detection and is a powerful probe of cellular and tissue structure in interfererence microscopy and in optical coherence tomography. It is also the root cause of...

Medical Imaging: Essentials for Physicians
Medical Imaging: Essentials for Physicians

"An excellent primer on medical imaging for all members of the medical profession . . . including non-radiological specialists. It is technically solid and filled with diagrams and clinical images illustrating important points, but it is also easily readable . . . So many outstanding chapters . . . The book uses little mathematics...

Digital Holography and Digital Image Processing: Principles, Methods, Algorithms
Digital Holography and Digital Image Processing: Principles, Methods, Algorithms

Digital holography and digital image processing are twins born by computer era. They share origin, theoretical base, methods and algorithms. The present book describes these common fundamentals principles, methods and algorithms including image and hologram digitization, data compression, digital transforms and efficient computational...

Image Processing in Radiology: Current Applications (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)
Image Processing in Radiology: Current Applications (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)
Computer applications for image processing in radiological imaging have matured over the past decade and are now considered an indispensable tool for extracting maximal information from the enormous amount of data obtained with the new cross-sectional techniques such as ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance...
Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (Springer Optimization and Its Applications)
Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (Springer Optimization and Its Applications)

"Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering" presents some of the most recent work from top-notch researchers studying projection and other first-order fixed-point algorithms in several areas of mathematics and the applied sciences. The material presented provides a survey of the state-of-the-art...

The Brant and Helms Solution: Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology, Third Edition, Plus Integrated Content Website (Brant, Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology)
The Brant and Helms Solution: Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology, Third Edition, Plus Integrated Content Website (Brant, Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology)
We are happy and proud to offer a third edition of our Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology text. We cherish the fact that so many radiology residents around the country continue to use our text as we had originally intended—as a first read for beginning residents and as a concise...
Atlas of Fundus Autofluorescence Imaging
Atlas of Fundus Autofluorescence Imaging

This lavishly illustrated unique atlas provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of FAF imaging in retinal diseases. It also compares FAF findings with other imaging techniques such as fundus photograph, fluorescein- and ICG angiography as well as optical coherence tomography. General ophthalmologists as well as retina specialists will...

Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 16th IAPR International Conference, DGCI 2011, Nancy, France
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 16th IAPR International Conference, DGCI 2011, Nancy, France
The 16th edition of the International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery was held in Nancy, France, April 6–8, 2011, and was organized by the ADAGIo team of the LORIA laboratory (Lorraine research center in computer science and its applications). DGCI 2011 attracted many researchers from all around the...
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