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Computational Intelligence: The Experts Speak
Computational Intelligence: The Experts Speak

The definitive survey of computational intelligence from luminaries in the field

Computational intelligence is a fast-moving, multidisciplinary field - the nexus of diverse technical interest areas that include neural networks, fuzzy logic, and evolutionary computation. Keeping up with computational intelligence means understanding...

Neural Networks: Computational Models and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Neural Networks: Computational Models and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

Artificial neural networks, or simply called neural networks, refer to the various mathematical models of human brain functions such as perception, computation and memory. It is a fascinating scientific challenge of our time to understand how the human brain works. Modeling neural networks facilitates us in investigating the...

Applied Interval Analysis
Applied Interval Analysis

This book is about guaranteed numerical methods based on interval analysis for approximating sets, and about the application of these methods to vast classes of engineering problems. Guaranteed means here that inner and outer approximations of the sets of interest are obtained, which can be made as precise as desired, at the cost of...

Winning Design!: LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Design Patterns for Fun and Competition
Winning Design!: LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Design Patterns for Fun and Competition

Winning Design! LEGO Mindstorms NXT Design Patterns for Fun and Competition is about design that works. It’s about building with LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT for fun, for education, but especially for competition. Author James Trobaugh is an experienced coach and leader in the FIRST LEGO League. In this book, he shares his hard-won...

Robotic Mapping and Exploration (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics)
Robotic Mapping and Exploration (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics)
"Robotic Mapping and Exploration" is an important contribution in the area of simultaneous localization and mapping  (SLAM) for autonomous robots, which has been receiving a great deal of attention by the research community in the latest few years. The contents are focused on the autonomous mapping learning problem. Solutions...
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Advanced Engineering Mathematics

This book has helped to pave the way for the present development of engineering mathematics. By a modem approach to those areas A-G, this new edition will prepare the student for the tasks of the present and of the future. The latter can be predicted to some extent by a judicious look at the present trend. Among other features, this trend...

Neural Systems for Control
Neural Systems for Control

Control problems offer an industrially important application and a guide to understanding control systems for those working in Neural Networks. Neural Systems for Control represents the most up-to-date developments in the rapidly growing aplication area of neural networks and focuses on research in natural and artifical neural systems...

Modern Robotics: Building Versatile Machines (Milestones in Discovery and Invention)
Modern Robotics: Building Versatile Machines (Milestones in Discovery and Invention)

The Milestones in Science and Discovery set is based on a simple but powerful idea—that science and technology are not separate from people’s daily lives. Rather, they are part of seeking to understand and reshape the world, an activity that virtually defines being human.

More than a million years ago, the ancestors of...

Image-Based Modeling
Image-Based Modeling

“This book guides you in the journey of 3D modeling from the theory with elegant mathematics to applications with beautiful 3D model pictures. Written in a simple, straightforward, and concise manner, readers will learn the state of the art of 3D reconstruction and modeling.” —Professor Takeo Kanade, Carnegie Mellon...

Fuzzy Algorithms for Control (International Series in Intelligent Technologies)
Fuzzy Algorithms for Control (International Series in Intelligent Technologies)

Fuzzy Algorithms for Control gives an overview of the research results of a number of European research groups that are active and play a leading role in the field of fuzzy modeling and control. It contains 12 chapters divided into three parts.

Chapters in the first part address the position of fuzzy systems in control...

Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications

Pattern recognition is a central topic in contemporary computer sciences, with continuously evolving topics, challenges, and methods, including machine learning, content-based image retrieval, and model- and knowledge-based approaches, just to name a few. The Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP) has become established as a...

Computational Intelligence in Optimization: Applications and Implementations (Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization)
Computational Intelligence in Optimization: Applications and Implementations (Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization)

Optimization is an integral part to science and engineering. Most real-world applications involve complex optimization processes, which are difficult to solve without advanced computational tools. With the increasing challenges of fulfilling optimization goals of current applications there is a strong drive to advance the development of...

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