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Recent Advances in Mechatronics
Recent Advances in Mechatronics
Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of precision engineering, electronics, photonics and IT engineering. The main research task for mechatronics is development and control of advanced hybrid systems covering all these fields and supported by interdisciplinary studies.

This book presents recent state of advances in mechatronics presented...

Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Programming and Software Engineering)
Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Programming and Software Engineering)
Although the self-adaptability of systems has been studied in a wide range of disciplines, from biology to robotics, only recently has the software engineering community recognized its key role in enabling the development of future software systems that are able to self-adapt to changes that may occur in the system, its requirements, or the...
Control of Single Wheel Robots (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics)
Control of Single Wheel Robots (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics)
This monograph presents a novel concept of a mobile robot, which is a single-wheel, gyroscopically stabilized robot. The robot is balanced by a spinning wheel attached through a two-link manipulator at the wheel bearing, and actuated by a drive motor. This configuration conveys significant advantages including insensitivity to attitude...
Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications
Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications
This well-accepted introduction to computational geometry is a textbook for high-level undergraduate and low-level graduate courses. The focus is on algorithms and hence the book is well suited for students in computer science and engineering. Motivation is provided from the application areas: all solutions and techniques from computational...
Microsoft® Mobile Development Handbook
Microsoft® Mobile Development Handbook
Experienced developers get proven techniques, real-world insights, and extensive code samples in Microsoft Visual C# to help deliver access to informationanywhere, on any device. Developers need to respond with more than simple adaptations of the user interfacethey need to implement mobile solutions for most of their applications.

Perspectives of Neural-Symbolic Integration (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Perspectives of Neural-Symbolic Integration (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
The human brain possesses the remarkable capability of understanding, interpreting, and producing human language, thereby relying mostly on the left hemisphere. The ability to acquire language is innate as can be seen from disorders such as specific language impairment (SLI), which manifests itself in a missing sense for grammaticality. Language...
Pyramid Algorithms: A Dynamic Programming Approach to Curves and Surfaces for Geometric Modeling
Pyramid Algorithms: A Dynamic Programming Approach to Curves and Surfaces for Geometric Modeling

"Ron Goldman is a leading expert who knows the fundamental concepts and their interconnectedness, as well as the small details. The elegance of the writing and of the methods used to present the material allows us to get a deep understanding of the central concepts of CAGD. In its simplicity and pure beauty, the theory indeed resembles the...

Genetic and Evolutionary Computation for Image Processing and Analysis (EURASIP Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications)
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation for Image Processing and Analysis (EURASIP Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications)
Image analysis and processing is steadily gaining relevance within the large number of application fields to which genetic and evolutionary computation (GEC) techniques are applied. Although more and more examples of such applications can be found in literature, they are scattered, apart from a few exceptions, in proceedings and journals dedicated...
Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller (Tab Electronics)
Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller (Tab Electronics)
For complete, practical insight into the chip that is quickly becoming the microcontroller of choice throughout the world. The use of Microchip's PIC family of microcontrollers is growing rapidly worldwide. This tutorial/disk package is unique in providing you with a complete understanding of the PIC chip and all the information needed to design...
Mobile Robots: The Evolutionary Approach (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Mobile Robots: The Evolutionary Approach (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
The design and control of autonomous intelligent mobile robotic systems operating in unstructured changing environments includes many objective difficulties. There are several studies about the ways in which, robots exhibiting some degree of autonomy, adapt themselves to fit in their environments. The application and use of bio-inspired and...
The Engineering of Complex Real-Time Computer Control Systems
The Engineering of Complex Real-Time Computer Control Systems
The complexity of current computer control systems arises from the engineering requirement to integrate computers, actuators and sensors for control, signal processing and data networks, visualisation and display with the technology of the application domain. Further, real-time control systems, employing embedded and distributed computing, as...
Systems Bioinformatics: An Engineering Case-Based Approach
Systems Bioinformatics: An Engineering Case-Based Approach
The high-throughput nature of bioinformatics and system biology has made traditional biological methods, which tend to focus one or two molecules at a time, obsolete. It has made engineering and problem solving skills essential to attack the resulting complex, multiscale problems. Certain technologies, such as robotics automation, microfabrication,...
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